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A 108 MHz carrier is frequency modulated by a 10 kHz sine wave with a frequency deviation of 50 kHz. Determine the modulation index, the highest and lowest instantaneous frequencies of the FM wave.
Modulation index for FM,
The highest instantaneous frequency, ∫max=∫c+∆∫=108+0.1=108.1 MHz Ans
The lowest instantaneous frequency, ∫min=∫c-∆∫=108-01=107.9 MHz Ans
Find currents I and I1 in the following circuit.
Determine the Thevenin's equivalent circuit at terminal X-Y of the following circuit.
If the switch in the following circuit opens at t = 0, find v(t) for t≥ 0 and the initial energy stored in the capacitor.
Show that a series RL circuit is a low pass filter if the output is taken across the resistor. Calculate the cut-off frequency (fc) if L = 2 mH and R = 10 kΩ.
Compute the average and effective values of the square voltage wave shown in the following figure.