
Analytical Ability:

 A coach wishes to pick four bowlers for his team from pool of four pacers. F, G, H and I and four spinners 0 R, S, T and U the selection of the bowlers is subjects to the following: 

• The coach must pick exactly tow pacers and two spinners

 • Either F or G must be selected, but F and G both cannot be selected

 • If R is selected , H must also be selected 

• If T is selected , G cannot be selected 

• If R is selected which of the blowers CANNOT be selected? 

• If G is selected, which two bowlers CANNOT be selected?

 • IF G, I and S are selected for the team, who must be the fourth bowler selected?

 • If T selected and U is not selected for the team, how many different combinations of bowlers will bow a available for the coach to choose from?

 Based in the above, answer the following questions:

If neither S nor U is selected, which two pacers must be selected?

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

বলা হচ্ছে যে, S এবং U কে যদি না নেয়া হয় তবে কোন 2 জন পেসার আসবে? 

S ও U এই 2 জন স্পিনার না আসলে বাকি 2 জন অর্থাৎ R ও T এই 2 জন আসবে। ফলে (৫) নং প্রশ্নের উত্তরে ও F এই 2 জন পেসার দলে আসতে পারে। তাই উত্তর হবে H এবং F. 

1 year ago

Analytical Question

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