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Read the passage and answer to the questions

While adolescence is a time of tremendous growth and potential, it is a time tremendous risks during which social contexts exert powerful influences. Many adolescents face presure to use themselves at high risk for intentional and unintentional iunjurries, unintended ppregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Many also experience a wide range of adjustment and mental health problems. Behavior patterns that are established during this period such as the use or avoidance of drugs and taking or abstaining from sexual risk can have long-lasting negative and positive effects on future health and well-being. As a result, adults have unique opportunities to influence adolescents.

Adolescents are different both from young children and adults. Specifically, adolescents are not fully capable of understanfing complex concepts, or, the relationship between behavior and consequences, or the degree of control they have or can have over health decision-marking, including that related to sexul behaviors. Laws, customs, and practices may also affect adolescents differently when they are unnamed. In addition even when services do exist, provider attitudes about adolescents often pose a significant border to the use of those services,

Adolescents depend on their families, their communities schools, health services and their workplaces to learn a wide range of skills that can help them to cope with the pressures they fsce and make a successful transition from childhood to adulthood. Patent, members of the community, service providers, and social institutions have the responsibility to both promote adolescent development and adjustment and to intervene effective when problems arise.

Which one of the following statements is untrue?

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago

Sentence Correction

Sentence correction in English grammar refers to the process of identifying and rectifying errors or mistakes in sentences to ensure they are grammatically accurate, clear, and effectively convey the intended meaning. Sentence correction often involves fixing errors related to grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice, and sentence structure.

Here are some common types of errors in sentences and examples of sentence correction:

Grammar Errors:

  • Error: "He don't like ice cream."
  • Correction: "He doesn't like ice cream."

Subject-Verb Agreement Errors:

  • Error: "The book on the shelf are mine."
  • Correction: "The book on the shelf is mine."

Pronoun Agreement Errors:

  • Error: "Each of the students had their own project."
  • Correction: "Each of the students had his or her own project."

Tense Errors:

  • Error: "I will go to the store yesterday."
  • Correction: "I went to the store yesterday."

Word Choice Errors:

  • Error: "The dog barked loudly in the silent night."
  • Correction: "The dog barked loudly in the quiet night."

Punctuation Errors:

  • Error: "Let's eat, grandma."
  • Correction: "Let's eat grandma."

Run-On Sentences:

  • Error: "She went to the store she bought groceries she came home."
  • Correction: "She went to the store, bought groceries, and then came home."

Sentence Fragment Errors:

  • Error: "Because I was tired."
  • Correction: "I was tired because."

Sentence correction aims to enhance clarity, coherence, and readability. It involves attention to the nuances of grammar and usage to ensure that sentences convey the intended meaning effectively. It is a fundamental skill for writing and communication in English.

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