
The cost of two watches taken together is Tk. 840. If by selling one at a profit of 16% and the other at a loss of 12%, there is no loss or gain in the whole transaction, find the cost of each of the two watches. (profit and loss)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

বলা হচ্ছে যে, দুটি ঘড়ির একত্রে ক্রয়মূল্য 840 টাকা। একটি ঘড়ি 16% লাভে এবং অপরটি 12% ক্ষতিতে বিক্রয় করলে লাভ/ক্ষতি কোনটাই হয় না। প্রতিটি ঘড়ির ক্রয়মূল্য কত?


Let, the cost price of one watch is x Tk. 

The cost price of another watch is (840-x) Tk.

 Selling price at 16% profit=x+16% of x= x+16x100=116x100TK.

Again, price at 12% loss

= (840-x)-12% of (840-x) Tk=840-x-12840-x100TK.=840-x - 2520-3x25TK.= 2100-25x-2520+3x25TK.= 18480-22x25TK.

According to the question, 


The cost price of one watch is 360 Tk.

The cost price of another watch = (840-360)= 480 Tk. 

ans. The cost price of one watch is 360 Tk. & another watch is 480 Tk.

1 year ago



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