Two trains running at the rate of 75km and 60km an hour respectively on parallel rails in opposites directions, are observed to pass each other in 8 seconds and when they are running in the same direction at the same rates as before, a person sitting in the faster train observes that he passes the other in 33 seconds. Find the lengths of the trains.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Relative speed white running in opposite direction 12 

= (75+60) kmph : =135×518 ms-1=752 ms-1

Again, relative speed while running in same direction 

=(75-60) kmph=15 kmph =15×518 ms-1=256 ms-1

As we know, velocity =Distance  Time 
Distance = Velocity×Time
Lengths of the both trains =752×8=300 meter

Now, as the faster train exceeds the slower train in the same direction in 3312 seconds.

The length of the slower train = 256×33.5=131.25 meter.

The length of the faster train = 300-131.25 = 168.75  meter

(ans.) Faster train 168.75 meter & slower train 131.25 meter.

1 year ago



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