Single out one issue that is adversely affecting our quality of life the most. Prepare a write-up describing the issue and how to manage/overcome it.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

There are several issues that are adversely affecting our quality of life. But issues, 15 surroundings us which plays great role negatively in our life, as of me, is air pollution. Now-a-days, air pollution has become a concerning issues among all classes of people including environmentalists. Bangladesh grapples with polluted air. The air quality in Bangladesh has been declining over the years at an alarming rate. It worsens significantly during the winter. Although air quality management is a key component of environmental issues, its mismanagement may have a huge adverse impact on the overall social-economic development of a country. Our quality life is being hampered drastically due to the air pollution. In our cities, air pollution usually becomes most severe in the winter season. We face an increasing level of dust pollutants around as, which is gradually becoming a serious health hazard with other pollutions in the air. It causes breathing problems and aggravates existing health conditions. It reduces our body's defenses and decreases the body's capacity to fight other infections in the respiratory system. People, living in the city face this type of pollution in every moment. And it affects kids more than adults due to higher concentrations of polluted air in their systems per body size.


Air pollution can be minimized during the dry months if concerned authorities work together. Some measures can be taken to minimize air pollution

  • People can use bio-fuel while driving cars;
  • They can use fuel-efficient vehicles and public transports;
  • People living in this city can drive less or wisely avoiding unnecessary driving
  • Promoting plantation (growing trees, gardening etc);
  • Ensuring waste disposal in a sustainable manner; 
  • Major sources of air pollutions such as brick kilns, solid waste, roads and building construction should be maintained in a disciplined manner.
  • Finally, with proper guidance, knowledge and motivation, the public can be made a crucial part of the air quality management.
1 year ago


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