Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

As with ego-centric thinking, socio-centric thinking appears in the mind of the person who thinks socio-centrically as reasonable and justified. Similarly, groups often distort the meaning of concepts to pursue their vested interests, but they almost never see themselves doing so Groups almost always can find problems in the ideologies of other groups, but they rarely are able to find flaws in their own belief systems. Though the patterns of dysfunctional thinking are similar for ego-centric and socio-centric thinking, there is at least one important distinction between the two. Though self- deception, individuals can do. Typically, groups engaging in socio-centric thinking can do greater harm to greater number of people. In short, throughout history and to the present day, socio-centric thinking has led directly to the pain and suffering of millions of innocent person. This has happened because groups in their socio-centric mind set, use their power in a largely reflective, and therefore unconscionable, unjust way.

Find out the between 'ego-centric thinking' and 'socio-centric thinking".

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Ego-centric thinking and socio-centric thinking come in the mind of people as rational and justified. Frequently they misinterpret the meaning of the concepts to achieve their aims, but they usually don't do it.

1 year ago


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