Explain the following current issues:

Identify the role of 'Friendly police' for the public security of Bangladesh.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Bangladesh police is the core law enforcement agency of Bangladesh. If plays the prime and pivotal role in maintaining law and order of the state. Though police is primarily concerned with maintaining law and order assuring security of public life and property. Bangladesh police, the single most institution entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring rule of law and human rights, is at a cross-road to promote itself to a height to adopt. The role of service rather than force, devoted to providing reassurance of service delivery, flexibility to community wishes, cares and social justice.

But common perception that prevails in our society is somewhat different. Though our police force as a whole left a positive impression in the minds of the people, they don't see the police as problem solvers. The citizens go to the police for seeking help when they have nothing else to do. So, the people at the helm also feel that the police will have to become more people friendly. 

The number of helpless and help-seeking people is greater than the number of criminals in the country. So police officials should behave with the people in such a way that all are not criminals. People want the police to be more people-friendly and humane. People want to see the police as their helpers; not someone who scares them. During British period, police force were used as a tool for ruling people, not serving them. 

The practice in the post-colonial eras has not changed. Some rulers of the world use them as a tool for surpassing any protest or uprising against them. So the ruler in power need to stop using the police as a political tool, otherwise they will not be people-friendly. Every police officer shap behave with people with due courtesy and decorum. They should guide and assist people whe are found in helpless condition. They should provide all requisite assistance to victims of crim and of road accidents. They should preserve, promote and prefect human rights and interests of weaker sections, backward classes, poor, weak and the downtrodden. Thus, they will become the force of people.

1 year ago


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