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Write a short note on 'Fire in Amazon Rain forest'.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Amazon rainforest, the world's largest rain forest contributes almost 20 percent of the earth's oxygen, had been burning for over 16 days resulting in a major loss of trees and biodiversity, Though forest fires are common in the Amazon during the dry season. The year 2019 has see an unprecedented rise in the number of fires and their intensity. The worrisome fact is that the burning has increased at a time when there is a huge decrease in the rates of deforestation in Brazilian Amazon. 

According to some environmentalists, 99 percent of the forest fires are a result of human actions, either on purpose or by accident. Formers and ranchers use fire generally to clear the land for further utilization. Amazon rainforest, considered to be as the planet's lungs as contributes about 20% of the earth's oxygen, is vital to slow down global warming. The rainforest is currently home to uncountable species of fauna and flora. 

The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and may be home to a quarter of the earth's land-bound species. If it keeps burning, it is likely to turn into a completely different ecosystem with fewer trees and different species of plants and animals. Many trees will die and animals will lose their habitat some species might disappear from the area entirely. While the Amazon fires are not going to deplete the Earth's supply of oxygen, they will release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 

To protect the Amazon forest from new fires, the governments responsible for protecting it must clamp down on deforestation. But countries around the world need to raise their voice about the devastating fire in the rainforest. According scientists, the Amazon rainforest fire could deliver a huge blow to the global fight against climate change. The fire will not only result in a major loss of trees and biodiversity but also releases excess co, into the atmosphere. The forest fires also release pollutants including particular matter and toxic gases. So due authorities should take extra measures to protect the forest as it is the home to 40% of the world's tropical forest and holds 20% of the world's freshwater supply.

1 year ago


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