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A salesman sells two shirts at BDT 594 each. On one he gains 10% and on the other, he loses 10%. Find his gain or loss percent on the whole.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 11 months ago

At 10% profit,

The cost price of first shirt =100100+10×594=100110×594 = 540 Tk.

Again, at 10% loss

The cost price of second shirt=100100-10×594=10090×594 = 660 Tk.

Now,thetotalcostpriceoftwoshirts=540+660=1,200 Tk.

And the total sell price of two shirts = 594 x 2 = 1,188 Tk.

Loss 1.200-1,188 = 12 Tk.

Percentage loss = (121200×100)% = 1% (answer) 

11 months ago



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