Make a precis of the following extract and give it a suitable title :

Providing enough energy, to meet an ever-increasing demand is one the greatest problems the world is now facing, Energy is the key to an industrialized economy, which calls for a doubling of electrical output every ten to twelve years. Meanwhile, the days of cheap; abundant and environmentally acceptable power may be coming to an end. Coal is plentiful but polluting, natural gas is scarce; oil is not found everywhere. Nuclear power now appears costly and risky. In many countries in the world, keen interest is being shown in new energy sources. Among the familiar but largely undeveloped sources, sloar energy, geothermal energy, and energy from the ocean deserver special consideration. Scientists are working to find ways to tap the energy from the sun and the oceans. If they are successful, it will mean that we will have an abundant and uninterrupteu supply of cheap energy. This energy will be clean and will not contribute environmental pollution. Every country will be in a position to produce own requirement of energy. Poor countries will not have to depend on countries for their supply of energy. For them, it will mean a rap economic development. (write a precis)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
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