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As You Like It

সপ্তম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক) - ইংরেজী - NCTB BOOK

  As You Like It

William Shakespeare

New Vocabulary:

Can you remember reading a scene adapted from William Shakespeare's "King Lear" in class six? "King Lear" is one of the best creations of Shakespeare.

16.1 Now in pairs/groups, ask and answer the following questions. Then, share your answers with the whole class. (If needed have a look at the class 6 English book, unit "King Lear")

দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো করো। এরপর তোমাদের উত্তর ক্লাসের সবার সাথে শেয়ার করো। প্রয়োজনে ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বই থেকে “কিং লিয়ার” পুনরায় পড়তে পারো।

a. What type of literary writing is 'King Lear? 

b. How many characters are there in the scene? Who are they? 

c. What do you like about 'King Lear? 

d. What are the characteristics of a play, you have found in "King Lear"?

In this unit, you are going to read a few dialogues from Shakespeare's famous play titled "As You Like It". To help you understand better, the texts have been adapted and simplified. In groups, act out the dialogues in class. It will help you understand it better. Performing the dialogues in class will also help you become a confident speaker of English.


16.2 In pairs/groups, read the dialogue and act it out. To help you understand the dialogues a glossary is given below.

দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় নিচের কথোপকথনটি পড়ো এবং অভিনয় করো। তোমাদের বোঝার সুবিধার্থে কথোপকথনের নিচে শব্দার্থ প্রদান করা হলো।

Dialogue 1

[Orlando, the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys, is mistreated by his elder brother, Oliver. In Scene I of Act I, Orlando shares his unhappiness with Adam, a former loyal servant.] 

Orlando: Before my father died, he had told my brother to raise me well. But he doesn't care about me. Even his horses are treated better than I am. 

Adam: Here comes my master, your brother. 

Orlando: Go apart, Adam, and you will hear how he behaves with me. 

Oliver: What are you doing here? 

Orlando: Nothing! I haven't been taught to do anything worthwhile! 

Oliver: How dare you say that to me? Do you want to fight with me? [Raises his hand to strike] 

Orlando: [Grasps Oliver's hand] I am a gentleman, the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys. I only want to make sure that you listen to me! 

Adam: Sweet masters, be patient. Be in accord. 

Oliver: Let me go, I say. 

Orlando: I will not, till I please: you must hear me. Our father told you to educate me well. Do so, or give me what is mine by his will. 

Oliver: OK, I will give you part of the estate. Now let me go, and get out of here! (to Adam) You get lost too, you old dog! 

Adam: Is 'old dog' my reward? Most true, I have lost my teeth in your service. God be with my old master! He would not have spoken such a word. 

[Orlando and Adam walk away.]

Glossary (শব্দকোষ):

• Raise: To look after until he is grown up 

• Worthwhile: Valuable 

• How dare you!: It's an expression people use when someone is very angry and shocked about what someone has done or said. 

• Be in accord: Behave properly 

• Estate: Property 

• Will: A written document which leaves the estate of a person to named persons or entities 

• Get lost: Go away 

• Reward: Something given in recognition of service or effort


16.3 Now, discuss in pairs/groups whether the following sentences are true or false. If false, write the correct information. Later, check your answers with other pairs/groups.

এবার, নিজদের মাঝে আলোচনা করো, নিচের বাক্যগুলো সত্য নাকি মিথ্যা। যদি মিথ্যা হয়, তবে সঠিক উত্তরটি লেখো। এরপর, অন্যদের সাথে তোমার উত্তর মিলিয়ে নাও।

a. Oliver is younger than Orlando. 

b. Oliver took better care of his horses than his brother. 

c. Adam is Orlando's friend. 

d. Oliver and Orlando are on good terms. 

e. 'Old dog' means that Adam is very faithful to Oliver.


16.4 In pairs/groups, read the dialogue and act it out.

দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় নিচের কথোপকথনটি পড়ো এবং অভিনয় করো।

                                                   Let's read Dialogue 2!


    From Act I, Scene II.

[A lawn before the Duke's palace]

[CELIA and ROSALIND enter the lawn before the Duke's palace] 

CELIA: Please, Rosalind, sweet cousin, cheer up! 

ROSALIND: Dear Celia, how can I cheer up? How can I forget my banished father? 

CELIA: I am my father's only child. Someday I will own everything that he has. I will give you back everything he has taken away. 

[Monsieur Le Beau, one of the Duke's servants, comes up to the young ladies.] 

LE BEAU: Are you staying for the wrestling match? Charles, the Duke's wrestler, has already won against three young men. Charles threw one of them and broke three of his ribs.


LE BEAU: You must stay. Here is the place appointed for the wrestling. They are ready to perform it.

CELIA: Sure, they are coming. Let us now stay and see it.

[Duke Frederick and his men arrive to see the match between Orlando and Charles] 

DUKE FREDERICK: Hello, girls. Are you here to see the wrestling match? 

ROSALIND: Yes, if we may. 

DUKE FREDERICK: You will not like it. Charles will hurt this young man. Speak to him, 

ladies; see if you can dissuade him. 

CELIA: Call him here, Monsieur Le Beau. 

ROSALIND: [Speaks to Orlando] Young man, have you challenged Charles the wrestler? 

ORLANDO: No, fair princess; he is the general challenger. I Have come to try with him the strength of my youth. 

CELIA: Young gentleman. We request you, for your own sake, to embrace your own safety and give over this attempt. 

ROSALIND: Let us ask the duke to call off this match. 

ORLANDO: I confess I feel much guilt to deny so fair and excellent ladies anything. 

But I hope your good wishes go with me to my trial. 

ROSALIND: I wish I could make you stronger! But good luck anyway. [The match begins. Rosalind and Celia cheer on Orlando. To everyone's surprise, Orlando wins.] 

DUKE FREDERICK. [To Orlando]. What is your name, young man? 

ORLANDO: Orlando. I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys. 

DUKE FREDERICK: Your father was my enemy. I wish you were a son to some other man! But I appreciate your courage and strength. 

[DUKE FREDERICK leaves with his companions]


16.5 Now, read dialogue 2 again and in pairs/groups match the words/ phrases in column A with their meanings in column B.

দ্বিতীয় কথোপকথনটি পুনরায় পড়ো এবং দুই কলামের শব্দার্থগুলো মিল করো।

Column AColumn B
Cheer up!To tell someone not to do something
BanishTo stop doing something
RibTo cancel something
DissuadeTo send someone away, especially from their country, and not allow them to come back
EmbraceTo admit that you have done something wrong
Give overAccept
Call offStop feeling sad and be happy
ConfessA curved bone in a person's chest


16.6 In pairs/groups, read dialogue 2 again and ask and answer the following questions. Then, share your answers with the whole class.

দ্বিতীয় কথোপকথনটি নিজেরা পুনরায় পড়ো এবং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও। এরপর সবার সাথে উত্তর শেয়ার করো।

a. What is the setting of this scene? 

b. How many characters are there in the scene? Who are they? 

c. Why is Rosalind sad? 

d. Who are the wrestlers? 

e. Who won the match?


16.7 In pairs/groups, read dialogue 3 and act it out.

দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় তৃতীয় কথোপকথনটি পড়ো এবং অভিনয় করো।

Time to read dialogue 3!

From Act I, Scene III

[Celia and Rosalind were speaking in a room in the palace when Duke Frederick enters]

DUKE FREDERICK: [To Rosalind] You must leave this place at once! You will die if you stay.

ROSALIND: Why, uncle? I never, not in my thought, did anything to offend your highness.

DUKE FREDERICK: All traitors speak as if they were innocent. I do not trust you!

Leave at once.

CELIA: You cannot do this, father. Rosalind and I are like sisters. I cannot live without her company.

DUKE FREDERICK: You are a fool. You, niece, leave as soon as possible. If you stay, you die!

[The Duke leaves]

CELIA: O my poor Rosalind, where will you go? I will go with you. We will seek my uncle in the forest of Arden.

[ROSALIND and Celia get ready to leave. Rosalind dresses up as a man so that she and Celia can travel safely.]

CELIA: What shall I call you?

ROSALIND: You can call me Ganymede.

But what will you be called?

CELIA: No longer Celia, but Aliena.


16.8 Read dialogue 3 again in pairs/groups and match column A's sentence parts with column B's sentence parts to make them meaningful sentences. One is done for you.

তৃতীয় কথোপকথনটি পুনরায় পড়ো এবং দুই কলামের বাক্যাংশ মিল করে অর্থপূর্ণ বাক্য গঠন করো। তোমাদের সুবিধার্থে একটি সমাধান করে দেওয়া হলো।

Column AColumn BAnswers
1) Rosalind never did anythinga) the Forest of Arden

(1+ d)

Sentence- Rosalind never did anything that offend her uncle.

2) Duke Frederick called Rosalindb) are cousins 
3) Celia can't livec) to keep her safe 
4) Rosalind and Celia decided to go tod) that offend her uncle 
5) Rosalind dressed up as a mane) without Rosalind 
6) Ganymede and Alienaf) a traitor 


16.9 In pairs/groups, read dialogue 4 and act it out.

দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় চতুর্থ কথোপকথনটি পড়ো এবং অভিনয় করো।

Let's read dialogue (4)!

Act II, Scene I. The Forest of Arden.

[Having been banished by his brother, Frederick, Duke Senior now lives in exile in the Forest of Arden with some loyal men, including Lord Amiens and Jaques.]


Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile,

Isn't this life sweeter than that of the court? 

Are not these woods freer from peril than the palace? 

Here we feel the winter's wind, which bites and blows upon my body, 

But I would not change it. 

AMIENS: I am glad that we are here. Your grace has changed our misfortune into a quiet and sweet life in this forest. 

DUKE SENIOR: One thing that bothers me is that we have to kill animals for our food. 

First Lord: Indeed, my lord. Your friend Jaques is saddened by that. He was in tears 

when he saw a deer groaning in pain. 

DUKE SENIOR: Well, Jaques enjoys being sad! 

Did he say anything? 

First Lord: O, yes. He was saying that we are usurpers. That act like tyrants to frighten the animals and kill them up in their native dwelling place. 

DUKE SENIOR: Show me the place. I will go and speak to him.


16.10 Read dialogue 4 again in pairs/groups. Then match the words with their meanings in the following table. One is done for you.

চতুর্থ কথোপকথনটি জোড়ায় জোড়ায়/দলে পুনরায় পড়ো এবং দুই কলামের মাঝে শব্দার্থ মিল করো। তোমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হলো।

Exile (add an arrow symbol)A person who takes control of something, especially a position of power, without having the right
LoyalThe place where one lives
PerilA ruler who has unlimited power over other people, and uses it unfairly and cruelly
IndeedA deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness/ cry
GroanGreat danger
UserperBad luck
TyrantTruly/In fact
Dwelling placeFaithful


16.11 Now, discuss the questions in pairs/ groups.

এবার প্রশ্নগুলো নিয়ে জোড়ায় জোড়ায়/দলে আলোচনা করো।

1. Why does Duke Senior say that life in the forest is sweeter than that of the court? 

2. Are all the characters happy in the forest? 

3. What makes Jaques sad? 

4. Why did Jaques call human beings usurpers? 

5. Animals are losing their natural habitats. What can you do to protect them?


16.12 In class six, you learned the characteristics of a play. Now, in pairs/ groups find out the characteristics of a play in "As You Like It". Then, write and describe them in the given table. One is done for you.

ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণিতে তোমরা নাটকের বৈশিষ্ট্য নিয়ে পড়েছিলে। এবার জোড়ায় জোড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে নাটকের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলো লেখো এবং নিচের টেবিলে এই নাটকের বৈশিষ্ট্য বর্ণনা করো। একটি তোমাদের জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো।

1. PlotThe play has a plot (beginning, climax and end). As there are four scenes here, we have only the beginning of the play. And, the play begins with a conversation between Orlando and Oliver.


16.13 In pairs/groups, discuss the whole story and rearrange the following sentences to retell the story. Later, share it with the whole class.

জোড়ায় জোড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে নাটকের গল্পটি নিয়ে আলোচনা করো এবং নিচের বাক্যগুলো পুনঃবিন্যাস করো। এরপর ক্লাসে গল্পটি শেয়ার করো।

Rearrange the following sentences:

a. Orlando defeats Charles. 

b. At the match, Orlando meets Rosalind and Celia who wish him success. 

c. Orlando challenges Charles the Wrestler to a match. 

d. Duke Frederick finds out that Orlando is the son of his enemy.

e. Rosalind and Celia decide to find Duke Senior in the Forest of Arden together. 

f. Rosalind disguises herself as a man so they can safely travel. 

g. He cannot trust Rosalind and asks her to leave. 

h. Orlando heads off to the Forest of Arden. 

i. At the same time, Orlando realizes his brother Oliver wants him dead.


16.14 Finally, it is time to act out the play!

এবারে নাটকটি অভিনয়ের পালা!

To do so follow the steps:

• Work in a group of 10 

• Choose a name and a group leader for your group 

• iscuss in the group who will do whose role. Accordingly, divide the roles among the group members.

• Read your dialogues and write them on a piece of paper. 

• First, understand the dialogues and connect with your character emotionally. Then memorize all of the lines. And enjoy yourself. 

• Focus on using body language to present your character. 

• Now, rehearse the whole play (four dialogues) in groups as many times as possible. 

• Then, perform in front of the class. 

• After the performance, share your experiences and learnings from this activity.


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