Be the Best of Whatever You Are

সপ্তম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক) - ইংরেজী - NCTB BOOK

New vocabulary: Suitable, Appreciate, Later, Previous, Continue, Infer, Prompt, Bet, Astronaut.

13.1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions that follow.

কথোপকথনটি শোনো এবং নিচের প্রশ্নের জবাব দাও।

Anita: Hi, Golpo! 

Mithun: What are you doing? 

Golpo: Hi! I am doing my science homework. 

Anita: There goes Aumi. She is probably on her way to practice swimming. 

Mithun: Yes, she practices very hard. She will become a great swimmer one day. 

Golpo: It's good to see her working hard on her dream. 

Anita: That's right. 

Mithun: Anita! What do you want to be when you will grow up? 

Anita: I want to be a singer in the future. 

Mithun: Oh really? I bet you can do it! You are a better singer than all of us. 

Anita: Thanks. But do you think I can do it? 

Mithun: You dance and sing every day! I am pretty sure you can make it. 

Anita: Thanks again. What do you want to be in the future? 

Mithun: I love animals. I like to work in a zoo. 

Golpo: Do you want to be an animal doctor? 

Mithun: Not really, I want to feed animals and take care of them. 

Anita: Golpo, what do you want to be when you grow up? 

Golpo: I don't know. It changes every day. 

Mithun: Wow, that's interesting. So, what are you thinking today?

Golpo: I want to be an astronaut. I wish I can explore Mars. 

Anita: Excellent! What about finishing up your science homework first? 

Golpo: All right. But remember I am going to Mars for sure. Everybody laughs.


13.2 Now circle the correct answer from the alternatives.

সঠিক উত্তরটি চিহ্নিত করো।

a. The conversation is among ____ friends.

      i) two ii) three iii) four

b. ____ is a good singer.

      i) Anita ii) Mithun iii) Aumi

c. Aumi will be a good ____ in future.

      i) singer ii) swimmer iii) astronaut

d. ____ is interesting.

     i) Going to Mars ii) Being an astronaut iii) Changing thoughts

e. Mithun loves to take care of ____. 

     i) zoo ii) doctors iii) animals


13.3 Read the poem and infer the meaning to match the given words with their pictures in pairs/groups.

কবিতাটি পড়ো এবং দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় শব্দগুলোর অর্থ বুঝতে চেষ্টা করো।

Be The Best of Whatever You Are

                            Douglas Malloch

If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill 

Be a scrub in the valley--but be 

The best little scrub by the side of the rill; 

Be a bush if you can't be a tree. 


If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass, 

And some highway some happier make; 

If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass-- 

But the liveliest bass in the lake! 


We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew, 

There's something for all of us here. 

There's big work to do and there's lesser to do, 

And the task we must do is the near. 


If you can't be a highway then just be a trail, 

If you can't be the sun be a star; 

It isn't by size that you win or you fail-- 

Be the best of whatever you are!


13.4 Write down the names in the blank spaces which one is what:

ফাঁকা জায়গায় সঠিক নাম দিয়ে পূরণ করো।

13.5 In pairs, recite the poem maintaining proper stress and intonation. Then recite it for the whole class.

জোড়ায় জোড়ায় ছন্দ ও সঠিক উচ্চারণ সহকারে কবিতাটি আবৃত্তি করো। এরপর ক্লাসের সবার সামনে আবৃত্তি করো।


13.6 Read the poem again. Make questions and choose suitable answers from the given table. Write them in full sentences. Then ask and answer in pairs. One is done for you.

কবিতাটি পুনরায় পড়ো। এবার নিচের টেবিল থেকে প্রশ্ন বানাও এবং তার উত্তর বের করো এবং খাতায় লেখো। এবার জোড়ায় জোড়ায় একে অন্যকে প্রশ্ন করো। তোমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হলো।


Question: If you can't be a pine, what you will be?

Answer: I will be a scrub because I want to be the best little scrub.

If you can't be apinewhat you will be?a bit of grassThe best trail
muskiecrewLiveliest bass
bushtrailMake highway happiest
captainbassBest little scrub
highwayscrubBest work to do


13.7 Look at the pictures below. In groups, write their names in the given place and discuss what made them famous. If needed take help from other groups/teachers. One is done for you.

নিচের ছবিগুলো দেখো। দলগতভাবে তাদের নাম লেখো এবং তাদের সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করো। প্রয়োজনে অন্যদল বা শিক্ষকের সাহায্য নাও। একটি তোমাদের জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো।

Picture 1: He is Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf.He is famous as he is one of the best freedom fighters of our Independence War.

13.8 Now in groups, list your everyday activities and in the given table write 2/3 ways you can do these activities to be your best. The following list of activities is for your help. One is done for you.

এখন, দলীয়ভাবে তোমাদের দৈনিক কাজের তালিকা নিচের টেবিলে লিপিবদ্ধ করো এবং কীভাবে আরো ভালোভাবে কাজগুলো সম্পন্ন করতে পারো তা বর্ণনা করো। তোমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হলো।

StudyDo group workSing/ listen to a songDraw picturesDo homeworkRecite poemsPlay gamesDo gardening
Clean my roomDo daily exerciseWrite my diaryHelp friendsRead story booksListen to my teachersSay my prayersHelp my mother


The table:

My Daily ActivitiesThe way I can be the best of me
1. Study

• I will be more attentive to my class.

• I will take notes in the class.



13.9 Now, write a short text describing your ideas on how you can be the best in what you want to be. You can start writing following the given prompt.

এবার, একটি ছোট অনুচ্ছেদে - তুমি বড় হয়ে কী হতে চাও এবং তোমার ইন্সিত ক্ষেত্রে কীভাবে তুমি আরো ভালো হতে পারো তা বর্ণনা করো। এক্ষেত্রে নিচের অনুচ্ছেদ অনুসরণ করে তুমি লেখতে পারো।

                                                            Best of Me

Hello friends!

I'm Rafid. When I grow up, I would like to be a ___ (teacher/other professions) like ____ (Ms. Rayna/other names). She is ____ (smart, friendly, and well-behaved/other qualities). When she ____(teaches) us, everything becomes very ____ (easy) to me. She also has a ____ (soft voice/other characteristics). She always ____ (appreciates all our good works). She tells us that we all have ____ (special talents). We have to ____ (love ourselves and work hard). That's how we can be the best of ourselves.

To be a good ____ (teacher/something I want to be) I will do the following things:

• I will study seriously.

• I will work hard.

• I will take healthy food.

• I will be polite in my behaviour.

Add your own points.....………..




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