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Freedom of Choice

সপ্তম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক) - ইংরেজী - NCTB BOOK

New vocabulary: Science Fiction, Barrier, Unique, Diversity, Tolerant, Mock, Preference, Annoyed, Ashamed, Opinion.

10.1 The following conversation is among the three friends. In pairs/groups read the conversation and identify the given sentences as true or false. If false, discuss the correct answer.

তিন বন্ধুর মাঝে হওয়া নিচের কথোপকথনটি দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় পড়ো এবং নিচে থাকা বাক্যগুলোর সত্য অথবা মিথ্যা কিনা তা শনাক্ত করো। যদি মিথ্যা হয় তবে সঠিক উত্তরটি নিয়ে নিজেদের মাঝে আলোচনা করো।

Noha: Hello friends! 

Navid: Hi! 

Nira: Hello, what's up? 

Noha: Do you think to be best friends we need to be similar in every way? 

Navid: I don't think so. As my favourite thing is riding a bicycle, What's yours, Noha? 

Noha: I love reading science fiction. 

Nira: My favourite thing is to play with my pet. 

Navid: See, differences are not a barrier to friendship. Our uniqueness is the beauty of our friendship.


Activity: True or False?

a) Noha, Navid and Nira have respect for each other/ have positive minds. 

b) Noha, Navid and Nira don't always like to do the same thing. 

c) Nira loves to play with her toys. 

d) To make a friendship one has to choose someone who has the same likings and dislikes. 

e) Two people with differences can be good friends.


10.2 Now, in groups of 6-8 identify how you are similar and different from each other. Use the given table to organise/showcase your responses: One is done for you.

ছয় থেকে আটজন করে একেকটি দল গঠন করো এবং তোমরা কীভাবে একজন অপর জনের মতো বা একজন অপর জন থেকে আলাদা তা নিজেদের মাঝে আলোচনা করে শনাক্ত করো। নিচের টেবিলে তোমাদের প্রত্যেকের কথা লিপিবদ্ধ করো। তোমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হলো।

You can ask the following questions to know your friend.

Question: Hi Roza! What's your favourite colour/dish/subject/person and game?

Answer: My favourite colour is white. My favourite dish is 'Morog Polao'. My favourite subject is English. My favourite person is Palli Kabi Jasimuddin and my favourite game is chess.

RozaWhiteMorog PolaoEnglishPalli kabi, Jasimuddin.Chess


10.3 Let's play a game 'This or That? -You Are Loved' এসো একটি খেলা খেলি।

10.4 Now in pairs discuss how your friend is unique/different from others. Then, share it with the whole class.

জোড়ায় জোড়ায় তোমার বন্ধু কীভাবে অনন্য বা অন্যদের থেকে আলাদা তা নিয়ে আলোচনা করো। এরপর তা ক্লাসের সবার সাথে শেয়ার করো।

You can use the following template to know your friend's uniqueness.

Student A: Do you have any special thing/quality which nobody has?

Student B: I think, yes. I have a ___ (unique name).

Student A: How do you know it's unique?

Student B: Because I don't know anyone who has ___ (this name).

Student A: That's true.

Student B: What about you? What's your uniqueness?

Student A: I believe, I have a ___(unique quality of making friends).

Student B: Well said. Thanks a lot.


10.5 Now, in pairs/groups read the text given below. And match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়ো এবং কলাম দুইটির শব্দার্থ মিল করো।

Today, Nabiha and Tasfia are very excited. The reason for their excitement is that they have a picnic today at their school. Nabiha and Tasfia are cousins. They both are in class seven. They live in the same house with their parents and grandparents in a joint family. Today they want their grandmother to dress them beautifully. Nabiha wants to go wearing a Sari. On the other hand, Tasfiya likes Salwar Kamiz. She wants to wear a blue Salwar kameez. Nabiha wants to wear a red Sari. After dressing them up their grandmother tells them, they are looking like red and blue angels.

When they arrived at the picnic, they saw everybody wearing their dresses of choice. Some students wear Sari, some of them wear Salwar Kameez and some of them wear jeans and tops. All the students worked together to prepare a variety of dishes. Although Nabiha does not like fish curry, she helped others to prepare it. Tasfia gave the chicken curry to her cousin when the feast began.

After the feast, they sat together and started to talk about everything. They talked about their hobbies, and what they wanted to be in future. Nabiha wants to be a writer while Tasfia wants to be a teacher. Someone wants to be a doctor and someone wants to be a singer, they came to know as the discussion progressed.

Nabiha understood one thing today. Everybody is unique and their tastes are unique too. It is this uniqueness and diversity that makes the world beautiful. If everything was more of the same, the world would be a rather dull place.

Column A (Word)Column B (Meaning)
1) Excitementa) To make something/someone ready to use
2) Angelb) Having different forms or types
3) Arrivec) Having differences
4) Prepared) A feeling of happiness and eagerness
5) Varietye) To reach/come to a place
6) Feastf) Being the only one of its kind
7) Progressg) A messenger of God/ A kind and beautiful person
8) Uniqueh) Not an interesting place
9) Diversityi) Special/good food for many people
10) Dull placej) To do better to develop


10.6 Read the passage again. In pairs/groups, discuss the answers to the following questions. Then, share the answers with the whole class.

অনুচ্ছেদটি পুনরায় পড়ো। এবারে জোড়ায় জোড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো নিয়ে আলোচনা করো এবং ক্লাসের সবার সাথে শেয়ার করো।

1) Who are Nabiha and Tasfia? 

2) How are they similar or different from each other? 

3) "Uniqueness and diversity make the world beautiful"- what does the sentence mean to you?

4) Do you accept or reject differences among people?/Are you tolerant of others? 

5) Do you think with these differences we all can live happily?


10.7 Now, design a poster in groups of 6-8 to make people accept differences. The heading of your poster can be "Uniqueness and diversity make the world a safer place" or you can choose your heading.

এবারে, ছয় থেকে আটজন করে দল গঠন করে মানুষের মাঝে বিদ্যমান বৈচিত্রতার গ্রহণযোগ্যতা নিয়ে সচেতনতামূলক পোস্টার তৈরী করো। পোস্টারের শিরোনাম হতে পারে ‘অনন্যতা ও বৈচিত্রতাই পৃথিবীকে আরো সুন্দর ও নিরাপদ করে তোলে, চাইলে নিজেরাও ইচ্ছেমতো শিরোনাম ব্যবহার করতে পারো।

Have a look at the steps to make a poster:

• Take a large piece of paper/poster paper 

• Line margins on all sides of your poster paper 

• Discuss in a group what you will include in your poster (text, pictures, symbols, quotations etc.) 

• Write all the important information on a piece of paper 

• Give emphasis on the message you want to give to your friends 

• If you prefer, you can design your poster with colour pencil or anything you like 

• Make sure your poster is easy to read 

• Be careful about all kinds of mistakes like spelling, grammar etc. 

• Check everything again. Now it's ready to hang...


When all the groups are finished with their posters, arrange a presentation of all the posters. Each group will describe their posters to the students.

সবার পোস্টার তৈরী হলে সেসব প্রদর্শনীর ব্যবস্থা করো। প্রতিটি দল নিজেদের পোস্টার বর্ণনা ও এই বিষয় নিয়ে সবার সাথে আলোচনা করবে।

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