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Before the beginning of human language, communication took place between humans through signs and gestures. As humans began to use their vocal chords, these silent gestures were no longer used as the primary means of communication. But these did not completely disappear. They evolved as a form of art, which came to be known as 'mime'.

In a Bangladeshi village, a little boy came to know about mime as he watched a performance in his village. He was so fascinated by the show that he was determined to master this art. The name of that little boy was Partha Pratim Majumder.

Majumder is undoubtedly a forerunner in the field of mime in Bangladesh. He started as a musician and his keen sense of rhythm helped him to let his limbs move and express his thoughts through gestures.

Partha Pratim Majumder is the first Bangladeshi to take up mime as a profession. He performed in a number of television shows in Bangladesh and gained popularity. In his mimes, Majumder depicted the day-to-day life of the pepole- their sadness, tears as well as their happiness and laughter.


Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

In modern age, __ is the means of communication.

Created: 4 months ago | Updated: 4 months ago
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