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Subha's Promise

সপ্তম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক) - ইংরেজী - NCTB BOOK

New vocabulary: Laugh, Shine, Belief, Fragrance, Chore, Memorial, Complex, Altar, Resist, Wounded.

12.1 Read why Alifa is sad in the bubble. And in pairs identify the simple present, past and future tenses from her speech. If needed have a look at the class 6 English book, unit "Medha's Dream".

আলিফার মনখারাপ কেন তা জানার জন্য নিচের বাবলটি পড়ো এবং জোড়ায় জোড়ায় আলিফার কথা থেকে সাধারণ বর্তমান, অতীত ও ভবিষ্যৎ কাল শনাক্ত করো। প্রয়োজনে ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বই থেকে মেধার স্বপ্ন লেখাটি দেখতে পারো।

12.2 Now, look inside and outside of the classroom. Then ask and answer the following questions in pairs. Afterwards, share your sentences with the whole class.

এখন, ক্লাসের ভেতরে আর বাইরের চারপাশের পরিবেশ ভালোভাবে খেয়াল করো। এরপর জোড়ায় জোড়ায় নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো করো এবং তার উত্তর দাও।

a. Who/what can you see inside and outside of the classroom?

b. What are they doing?

(For example, you may see your friends, your teacher, a bird and so on. And maybe one of your friends is laughing, talking or moving.)


12.3 Read the note on the Present Continuous Tense in the box and discuss in pairs/groups.

ঘটমান বর্তমান কালের ওপর নোটটি পড়ো এবং তা নিয়ে নিজেরা আলোচনা করো।


Present Continuous or Present Progressive tense talks about-

       • an action taking place at the moment of speaking. For example-Now, you are reading a note on Present Continuous Tense.

      • an action that may not be exactly happening when speaking. For example- My friend, Rima is taking swimming lessons. (Actually, Rima is not taking swimming lessons when she is talking about it.)

       • an arranged or planned action. For example- Next week we are going to visit a new place.

The structure of the present continuous tense verb:

   am/is/are +main verb+ing, Example sentence- It is raining now.

The negative verb form of the present continuous tense:

   am/is/are +not+main verb+ing, Example sentence - The sun is not shining now.

The interrogative verb form of the present continuous tense:

   am/is/are+ subject + main verb + ing, Example sentence - Is it raining now?


The verbs which are not normally used in the continuous form include -

see, hear, smell, notice, feel, like, hate, think, belief, agree, remember, know, look, love etc.

For example, when you smell something, you don't say -I'm smelling a sweet fragrance. You say- I smell a sweet fragrance.


12.4 Look at the picture below. In pairs/groups, match the sentence parts in column A with column B to make each a meaningful sentence. Use the right forms of verbs given in the brackets. Then, underline all the verbs and identify their forms.

নিচের ছবিটি দেখো। এবার নিজেরা মিলে কলাম দুইটি মিলিয়ে অর্থপূর্ণ বাক্য তৈরী করো। বন্ধনীতে থাকা ক্রিয়াপদের সঠিক রূপ ব্যবহার করে বাক্য সম্পন্ন করবে। এরপর ক্রিয়াপদ ও ক্রিয়ার কাল চিহ্নিত করবে।

Column AColumn B
1. The girl under a tree ____ (read).a. in the lake.
2. Two elderly men ____ (do)b. to sell different colours of balloons
3. Some boys and girls ____ (swim)c. physical exercise
4. A young boy ____ (sell)d. a boat
5. A girl of 10 or 12 ____ (try)e. after their pet dog
6. A boy ____ (play)f. a story book
7. A little boy and girl ____ (run)g. the small trees
8. A boy ____ (take)h. guitar
9. A little girl with her father ____ (row)i. pictures of his family
10. The gardener ____ (trim)j. peanuts.


12.5 Now, read the note on the Past Continuous Tense in the box and do the activity following it.

এবার, ঘটমান অতীত কাল নিয়ে নিচের নোটটি পড়ো এবং সেই অনুসারে কাজ করো।


Past Continuous or Past Progressive tense talks about

    • an action that was going on(happening) at some time in the past. For example-Last Monday when I was leaving the birthday party, my friends said goodbye.

   • a past habit. For example- My father's school was close to his home. So, he was always walking to school.

The structure of the past continuous tense verb:

was/were + main verb+ing. Example sentence - It was raining yesterday.

The negative verb form of the past continuous tense:

was/were +not+main verb+ing, Example sentence- The sun was not shining then.

The interrogative verb form of the past continuous tense:

was/were subject + main verb + ing, Example sentence - Was it raining then?


12.6 Now, look at the following time in the table. Write what you are doing today at this particular time and what you did yesterday at that time. Then in pairs/groups compare the verb forms of the sentences. One is done for you.

নিচের বক্সে থাকা সময়গুলো দেখো। এবার আজকে এবং গতকাল ওই সময়ে তুমি কী কী করেছো এবং করছো তা নিয়ে বাক্যগঠন করো। তারপর এতে থাকা ক্রিয়ার অবস্থা নিয়ে নিজেদের মাঝে আলোচনা করো। তোমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হলো।

7.00 AM, 8.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 9.00 AM, 9.30 AM, 10 AM, 12.30 PM, 1.00 PM,
Time                                                              Activity
1. Today at 10 AM I am taking a bath.Yesterday at 10 AM I was talking to my friend.


12.7 Read the sentences given below. Then use the given verbs in the brackets to express the actions you are doing now and you were doing at a certain time in the past. One is done for you.

নিচের বাক্যগুলো পড়ো। এবার বন্ধনীর মাঝে থাকা ক্রিয়াপদ ব্যবহার করে বাক্য সম্পন্ন করো। তোমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হলো।

1. Today I am having my breakfast with my little sister but yesterday I was having my breakfast with my grandparents. (have)

2. Today I ____ my bed but yesterday my father my bed. (make) 

3. Now my sister ____ my mother but last Friday I ____ my mother (help)

4. Today I ____ to school at 10 am but yesterday I ____ to school at 9 am. (go)

5. Now team 'Sunflower' ____ the classroom but yesterday team 'Padma' ____ the classroom. (clean)

6. This week I ____ the teacher but last week, my friend ____ the teacher. (support)

7. This evening I ____ with my cousins but yesterday, I ____ with my friends. (play)

8. Today at 7 pm I ____ math but last night at 7 pm I ____ assignment. (do)

9. Now I ____ cartoons but last evening I ____ a cooking show. (watch)

10. Today at 10 pm I ____  to bed but last night at 10 pm I ____ to my uncle's house. (go)


12.8 In pairs/groups ask and answer the following questions.

দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় একে অন্যকে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো করো।

a) When have you come to school? 

b) Who has taken the last English class? 

c) Have you learnt anything new from that class? 

d) Have you faced any problems in that class? 

e) Has your teacher helped you overcome the problems? 

f) What is the tense of the verbs you are using to answer the questions?


12.9 Now, read the following note on Present Perfect and Past Perfect Tense in the box. And, in pairs/groups identify the differences in the forms of verbs.

এবারে পুরাঘটিত বর্তমান এবং পুরাঘটিত অতীতকাল নিয়ে নিচের নোটটি পড়ো এবং পরবর্তী কাজ সম্পন্ন করো।


Present Perfect Tense talks about:

• an action or situation which began in the past and is still continuing to the present. Example sentence: I have lived in this small town all my life. It means that I started living in this small town many years ago and still I am living here.

• an action which happened before now but the time of that action is not stated or specific. Example sentence: I have visited the capital city Dhaka recently. Here, the time of the visit is not mentioned.

• an action that was completed in the very recent past. 'Just' is used to express this kind of action. Example sentence: I have just finished my homework.

Remember that the present perfect has always a connection with now. The action in the past has a result now. For example- I have lost my new pen. It means that I don't know where it is now. 'Just', 'already' and 'yet' are the 3 words we very often use with present perfect tense.

'Just' means a short time ago.

'Already' means before the present time or earlier than the expected time

'Yet' means until now.

The structure of the present perfect tense verb:

have/has+ past participle of the main verb. Example sentence - I have already visited Cox's Bazar.

The negative verb form of the present perfect tense:

have/has +not+past participle of the main verb. Example sentence- I have not yet visited the Sundarbans.

The interrogative verb form of the present perfect tense:

have/has + subject +past participle of the main verb, Example sentence - Have you read any new book recently?


Past Perfect Tense talks about:

• an action which took place before another action in the past. We can say the action of the past perfect takes place in the past of the past.

For example

"Last Friday in the morning Ayan worked in his garden and in the evening he went to the nearby field to play cricket". Ayan did these two activities in the past. He first worked in the garden, then he played cricket. So, the first activity Ayan did will be in past perfect and the second activity will be in past simple. The sentence will be-

"Ayan had worked in his garden before he went to the nearby field to play cricket".

The structure of the past perfect tense verb:

had+ past participle of the main verb. Example sentence - When I reached the school, the assembly had already started.

The negative verb form of the past perfect tense:

had +not+past participle of the main verb. Example sentence- I had not experienced a train journey before.

The interrogative verb form of the past perfect tense:

had + subject + past participle of the main verb, Example sentence - Had you won any prize in the last annual sports competition?

12.10 Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of verbs (present perfect/past perfect) in the bracket.

নিচের বাক্যগুলো পড়ো এবং ক্রিয়াপদের সঠিক ব্যবহার করে শূণ্যস্থান পূরণ করো।

1. Today is my birthday. I ____ (plan) a lot to make it special.

2. I ____ (complete) my work when my parents arrived.

3. When we were in school, we ____ (perform-negative) this song live.

4. My friend, Raimy ____ already ____ (watch) the movie.

5.____ you ____ (participate) in the school cultural program?

6. ____ you ever ____ (be) to India?

7. My brother ____ (solve) five math problems before I completed two.

8. I ____ four glasses of water today(drink).

9. ____ he ____ (meet) my brother when you reached?

10. We felt sad that the movie ____ already ____ (start) before we got there.


12.11 Read the conversation below. And in pairs/groups discuss the answers to the following questions.

নিচের কথোপকথনটি পড়ো এবং জোড়ায় জোড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও।

Mother: Salima, where are you? 

Salima: I am in the bedroom, ma. 

Mother: Can you come here, please? 

Salina: Yes, I am here. 

Mother: What are you doing in the bedroom? 

Salima: I am study. 

Mother: Are you 'study', or 'studying"? 

Salima: Sorry, ma. I am studying now. I am writing my assignment for tomorrow. 

Mother: Did you not complete the assignment yesterday? 

Salima: I have complete half of the assignment last night, ma. 

Mother: Last night you completed the assignment, not 'have completed'. 

Salima: Yes ma, you are right. I completed half of it last night, and I am going to complete it now.

Mother: You should finish your tasks on time. I cannot help you with your study all the time. 

Salima: It's okay, I can do it by myself. And I will help you after my study. 

Mother: That's like my good baby. A child should always help when his/her parents are in need. 

Salima: Of course, ma. After I finish my assignment, I will also help you with your chores. 

Mother: Thanks.


a) How many tenses are used in the conversation? Name them. 

b) "Salima returned from school a while ago."- what is the tense of this sentence? 

c) 'I am study."- Is the sentence correct? if not, write the correct form of the sentence.

d) "I have completed half of the assignment last night."- what is the tense form of the verb of this sentence? Why has Salina used this tense form of the verb? 

e) "I will help you with your chores."- why did Salima use the Future Indefinite tense in this sentence? 

f) "The mother calls her daughter."- Identify the verb of the sentence. And what is the tense form of the verb of the sentence?


12.12 Read the text below and identify the tense of the underlined sentences. Then, discuss why the tense forms are used.

নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়ো এবং চিহ্নিত বাক্যগুলোতে ক্রিয়ার কালসমূহ শনাক্ত করো।

                                                    Hello dear friends!!

I am Subha Tasnim. 1) This year we will celebrate Independence Day at school. 2)Our class has planned to act out a drama on Liberation War. And I am doing the role of a 'Birangana' (war heroine). I am so excited. But last year we visited the National Memorial to pay our respect to the martyrs. 3)It was a Friday morning. We got on the bus. It was running at a high speed. I noticed 4) almost all the people were carrying red and green dresses. I understood they were also heading towards the national memorial. When I reached there 5) I got amazed to see the sea of people in the memorial complex. People were walking slowly to the monument to place the flowers at the altar of memorial. A group of people was singing the patriotic song "Ak sagorer rokter binimoye Banglar sadhinota anle jara". 6)Some people were showing their respect to the wounded freedom fighters. 7) I couldn't resist myself. I went there and touched one of the freedom fighter's feet. He became happy and advised me to read attentively. Also, he told me to be a good human being and work for the country.

I felt a kind of love and respect for my motherland. 8)I took a vow that I wouldn't do anything harmful to my country. I also thought I would do something unique so that everyone would recognise my country with respect. 9) I haven't forgotten my promise. Rather10) I am working on that.

SentenceTenseWhy the tense form is used


12.13 In pairs/groups read the following situations and write them within 5-10 sentences using appropriate tenses.

দলগতভাবে অথবা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় নিচের সিচুয়েশনগুলো পড়ো এবং ৫-১০ বাক্যে যথাযথভাবে ক্রিয়ার কাল ব্যবহার করে অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা করো।

a) Suppose you are visiting a book fair. Describe your experience (of what have you done there). 

b) Suppose you attended a picnic at your school. Describe the most interesting activities your friends did at the picnic. 

c) Describe some of the interesting things you have done until now. 

d) Suppose, on the last vacation you made a train journey from Dhaka to Rajshahi with your family. Write about that vacation.

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