Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0

Idioms & Phrases

All Question - (625)

Wet all over
Exposed to severe weater conditions
Under a weather warning
appreciating highly
considering something as a gift
the greatness of one machine
efficacy of one machine
not appreciating
OPTION 1 : 0
OPTION 2 : 0
OPTION 3 : 0
OPTION 4 : 0
OPTION 5 : 0
Bill would not bankrupt Jack
Bill would not accept Jack's money
Bill would not give Jack's money
Bill would not accept Jack's money
neglecting his job
making money unfairly
giving access to his relatives
taking wrong decisions
a woman's work is never done.
a woman never does her work.
a woman's work is not done.
a woman's work is always done.
something to negotiate
a matter of dispute
a source of food
at the beck and call
at wits end
at length
at the wits end

Read the extract and answer the question

Be it sunny or rainy,

For your safety I must be

Vigil and agile, on the middle

Standing erect, as fit as a fiddle.

Oh! My ear hurts! Oh! My head aches!

Oh! Look at the weather... such unpredictable days!

But I cannot swerve; I must be on duty.

I care for your safety.

Be it noisy or dusty; Be it sunny or rainy;

I must be on duty. I care for your safety.

seriousness about individual issues
quick-witted monitoring
reluctance towards duties and responsibilities
enthusiasm regarding politics

Leadership should be among those who have no axe to grind. People should have leaders with straigthforwardness, clear conception, felling for the poor and above all, with patriotism and statesmanlike for sight, It is essential that the decision taken by the leaders must be for the interest of the majority of people. They must understand the political, economic and social conditions of the country and should never hesitate to take any stem action against any wrong, come what may. they should see that unpatriotic and snti-social elements do not get the upper hand. It is by the integrity that the leaders of a country shall be judged from time to time, not by their speeches only.  

to have no personal reasons
to have personal reasons
vested interests