The Art of Expressing Comparisons

নবম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক ২০২৪) - ইংরেজি - English - NCTB BOOK

6.1.1 Think that in this summer vacation, with your family, you are planning to visit a place in Bangladesh. Now you need to make decisions on many things. Now, look at the following illustrations and decide which one you will choose from the given options for your visit. Later, share your list of choices for the journey with the class, explaining why you chose them. 

মনে করো, এই গ্রীষ্মের ছুটিতে, তুমি তোমার পরিবারের সাথে বাংলাদেশের একটি জায়গা ভ্রমনের পরিকল্পনা করছো। এখন তোমাকে অনেক বিষয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে হবে। নিচের ছবিগুলো দেখো এবং তোমার ভ্রমনের জন্য প্রদত্ত বিকল্পগুলোর মধ্যে কোনটি তুমি বেছে নেবে সে সিদ্ধান্ত নাও। পরে, ভ্রমনের জন্য তোমার পছন্দের তালিকাটি শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো এবং কেন সেই জায়গাগুলো বেছে নিয়েছো তা ব্যাখ্যা করো।


i) Destination



6.1.2 Now, in groups discuss and reflect on the steps you have followed to choose one from the alternatives.

The following steps for making a choice are for your help. You can use them and add steps if you need them. Later, arrange the steps in the given flowchart. Finally, share your flowchart for making a choice with the class.

এখন, দলে আলোচনা করো এবং বিকল্পগুলোর মধ্যে থেকে একটি পছন্দ করার জন্য যে ধাপগুলো অনুসরণ করেছো তা নিয়ে ভাবো।

সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণের জন্য নিচের ধাপগুলো তোমার সুবিধার জন্য দেওয়া হলো। তুমি এ ধাপগুলো অনুসরণ করতে পারো এবং প্রয়োজনে আরো ধাপ যুক্ত করতে পারো। নিচের flowchart এ ধাপগুলো সাজাও। সবশেষে শ্রেণিতে তা শেয়ার করো।


  • Explore more about the alternatives
  • Identify your need
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the options
  • Review your choice
  • Select the suitable option




  • বিকল্পগুলো সম্পর্কে আরো অনুসন্ধান করো।
  • নিজের প্রয়োজন শনাক্ত করো।
  • বিকল্পগুলোর সুবিধা এবং অসুবিধাগুলোর তুলনা করো।
  • নিজের পছন্দ পর্যালোচনা করো
  • উপযুক্ত পছন্দটি বাছাই করো

The flowchart of making choices: add below


6.2.1 Now, let's see what we compare of a thing/person/object etc. to choose one from the alternatives!

Read the following two texts, and in pairs/groups, identify the similarities and differences between Viruses and Bacteria in text 1 and Culture and Civilization in text 2. Later, present your findings in front of the whole class.


চলো দেখি কোনো বিকল্প থেকে একটিকে বেছে নেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে কোনো ব্যক্তি/বস্তু অথবা বিষয়ের কোন বৈশিষ্ট্যটি আমরা তুলনা করি।

নিচের টেক্সট দুটি পড়ো এবং জোড়ায় বা দলে টেক্সট ১-এ দেওয়া ভাইরাস এবং ব্যকটেরিয়া এবং টেক্সট ২-এ দেওয়া সংস্কৃতি ও সভ্যতার মধ্যে মিল এবং অমিলগুলো চিহ্নিত করো। পরে শ্রেণিতে তোমার প্রাপ্ত ফলাফল শেয়ার করো।


Text 1



Viruses and bacteria are microscopic organisms. Bacteria are single-celled and considered living organisms. Viruses are not cells but genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein coat. They do not have cellular structures and are considered non- living particles. Viruses and bacteria have the potential to cause infections and diseases in humans, animals and plants. Both have mechanisms for replication. Bacteria can reproduce independently through binary fission, on the other hand, viruses require a host cell to replicate. Antibiotics can kill the growth of bacteria but they are not effective against viruses. Bacteria are larger than viruses. Viruses and bacteria can be transmitted from one organism to another through various means.


Text 2


Culture and civilization involve shared values, beliefs, norms and customs that guide the behaviour of individuals within a society. Civilizations tend to be broader in scope than cultures. A civilization includes multiple cultures within its boundaries and involves larger populations compared to culture. Cultures and civilizations often produce art, literature, music and other forms of creative expression that reflect their values, aesthetics and traditions. Both cultures and civilizations develop languages to facilitate social interaction. Civilizations are often recognized for their historical impact, such as the civilizations of Egypt, Greece or China while cultures may be more localized.

You may record your findings in the following grid. Add as many rows as you need.



6.2.2 Now, notice the grid carefully and in pairs/groups, identify what features of Viruses, Bacteria, Culture and Civilization you compare.. Then, record them in the given grid. Finally, check your responses with other groups.


জোড়ায় বা দলে নিচের সারণিটি ভালোভাবে লক্ষ্য করো এবং ভাইরাস, ব্যাকটেরিয়া, সংস্কৃতি এবং সভ্যতার কী কী বৈশিষ্ট্য তুলনা করছো তা খুঁজে বের করো। তারপর, প্রদত্ত সারণিতে উক্ত বিষয়গুলো লেখো। পরে তোমার উত্তরগুলো অন্য দলের সাথে যাচাই করো।

One is done for you.

Comparable Feature

Example sentence from the text

1. SizeViruses and Bacteria are microscopic organisms.



6.3.1 Now, read the note below and explore the techniques for writing a compare and contrast text. Later, check your understanding of the note by doing the activities it follows. 

নিচের নোটটি পড়ো এবং compare and contrast ক্রান্ত টেক্সট লেখার কৌশলগুলো সম্পর্কে জানো। পরে নোটটি পড়ে তুমি কী বুঝেছো নিচের কাজগুলো করে তা যাচাই করো।


Compare and Contrast Essay


Compare and contrast essay is a common type of academic essay writing topic. Compare refers to exploring similarities between subjects, while contrast means to look at their differences. A compare and contrast essay explores the similarities and differences between two subjects to have some deeper insight into the two. In a compare and contrast essay, we either compare the two subjects, contrast them or sometimes do both. The subjects we compare in the essay are usually in the same category, although they have their differences. For example, we can write an essay comparing two books or contrasting them or can do both to get a clear understanding of them. Likewise, it can be two movies, two cities, and two schools. When we write a compare and contrast essay, we try to make connections between the two subjects that are not obvious but illustrate the subtle, surprising or unexpected similarities and differences between the subjects. So, to write a compare and contrast essay, you need to use your observations and analytical skills to pay close attention to the issues, analyse the information and make meaningful arguments about the issues to compare them.

There are a couple of ways to write a compare and contrast essay. Here, we will learn about the popular twos. One is the block structure, and the other is the point-by-point structure.


1. The block structure: The block structure is a little bit easier to write than the point-by-point method. This structure includes an introduction, two body paragraphs and a conclusion. The first body paragraph talks about various features of one subject, and the second body paragraph discusses the similar features of another subject. So, in the block structure, each paragraph focuses on one separate thing, and altogether, you have four paragraphs.

2. The point-by-point structure: This structure gives the readers more detail about the subjects that are compared, and readers may find it more interesting than the Block Method. This method is a bit different from the Block Method as, in this method, you will get more than two paragraphs in the body. Each body paragraph talks about one point of comparison. For example, if the first paragraph talks about one point of comparison, the second paragraph will focus on a different point of comparison.

Now, let's explore how to brainstorm some similarities and differences between the two subjects to write a compare and contrast essay!


Let's look at a simple example of compare and contrast essay from activity 6.1.1 that is which transportation rail or bus you will choose for the journey. To write the essay, the first thing you should do is to grab a piece of paper and make a list with two columns: similarities and differences. Then, jot down the key things first, then the most striking ones. Here, you can also use a Venn diagram ( two circles that overlap). Now, in the section where it overlaps, note the similarities and differences in the part of the circle that does not overlap. So first about a rail journey, we can write rail is spacious, seats are comfortable, less risky, eco-friendly, have toilet facilities etc. On the other hand, a bus journey is comparatively fast, flexible, available but risky and congested. Now, write these characteristics in the part of the circle that does not overlap. And in the section that overlaps, let's write the similarities like both are land transportation, need money to travel and stop for a while at certain stops. This diagram will help you to organize similarities and differences and give you a clear idea of the things you can write about. Now, your ideas are ready and organized in the Venn diagram to write the essay. And, it will look like the following one.


Venn Diagram



So, let's move forward and focus on the Block Structure! We will start with an introduction para. Like other types of writing the introduction para includes-

  • a hook to grab the reader's attention
  • some background information about the subjects and lastly
  • a clear and focused thesis statement

For the essay, the introduction may be

Rail and bus are the two common and most used transportation to travel in our country. Both are land transportations yet they differ in a lot of ways. Rail Travel may take more time than Bus Travel but a journey by train is definitely more comfortable than a journey by bus.


Here, the introduction gives the readers a signal that as both of them are land transportation, they are similar in many ways. Again, the use of the specific word yet tells them that the essay is going to focus not only on the similarities but also on the differences between Travelling by Rail and Travelling by Bus. Moreover, the thesis sets up the two subjects to be compared and contrasted (Rail VS Bus Travel) and it makes a claim about the results that might prove useful to the reader.

It's time to write the first body paragraph!

Here, we will talk about Rail Travel and how it is similar to Bus Travel. So, let's start writing. Don't forget to use your ideas in the Venn diagram.

People always travel by rail and bus. Both of them are public land transportation. They are always crowdy and also have the risk of pickpocketing. So, passengers always need to be careful about their belongings.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Now, it's your turn to write the rest two similarities following the Venn diagram.

Let's move to the second body paragraph. Here, we will write about bus travel and how they are different from rail travel.


Travelling by bus is usually faster than a train but sometimes the bus needs more time to reach the destination places because of traffic jams. On the other hand, the train has its own path and there is no traffic jam at all. So, instead of being faster, the buses sometimes slower than the train.   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Now, add two more points following the Venn diagram.

So, now we will write the conclusion paragraph. In the conclusion, we will

  • restate the thesis
  • restate the points of comparison, and maybe
  • give an opinion or realization


Our conclusion paragraph may look like this-


To conclude, we can say it is clear that people use rail and bus for travelling different places for their advantages and disadvantages. They have similarities but they are different in many ways like travelling by train is more comfortable, less risky and eco-friendly than travelling by bus. So to my opinion, travelling by rail is preferable than travelling by bus.

Now, write the whole essay and share it with your groups. Finally, share it with the class.

It's time to focus on the Point-by-Point structure! Like the block structure, the point- by-point structure also includes an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. But, the point-by-point structure is different from the block structure as it has more than two body paragraphs and each body paragraph talks about both the subjects which are compared. The structure of a point-by-point method looks like this-

In this essay, three points of comparison (both similarities and dissimilarities) are talked about in the three body paragraphs and each paragraph will focus on a point of comparison.


The Introduction Paragraph


It's your turn to write the introduction paragraph following the Block structure as they are similar. Don't forget to mention your points of comparison in the thesis statement as the points will let the readers know what points your body paragraphs are focusing on. Make sure that you are using the correct language and transitional words to inform your readers what you are going to tell.

Write your introduction paragraph here

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


The First Body Paragraph

Let's explore what would be inside the first body paragraph. To write the first body paragraph, follow your thesis. Suppose, from the Venn diagram, your first point of comparison is Rail journey is more comfortable than the bus journey, your first body paragraph may look like this-


Comfort is a primary concern of people when they travel from one place to another, especially if it is a long journey. The train is spacious and has more leg space. People can move freely if they need and don't need to be stuck to their seats. In contrast, the bus is congested and there is little space for legs and hand luggage. Passengers don't have any option but to sit in their seats. If it is a long-distance journey, sometimes the elderly passengers get sick. So, it's clear that both the transports have their distinct features and are different from each other.


So, write two more body paragraphs following your thesis statement.

Write your body paragraph 2 here  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Write your body paragraph 3 here  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Now, it's time to write the conclusion paragraph following the Block structure as they are similar.

Write your conclusion paragraph here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Finally, compile the whole essay and share it in groups and later with the class.

6.3.1. Let's check our comprehension of the note!

Read the note again and identify the similarities and differences between Block structure and Point-by-Point structure. Then, share your findings in pairs/groups.

You may use the following grid to record your findings. Add as many rows as you need

চলো নোটটি সম্পর্কে আমরা কী বুঝেছি তা যাচাই করি!

নোটটি আবার পড়ো এবং Block structure and Point-by-Point structure এর মধ্যে মিল এবং পার্থক্যগুলো চিহ্নিত করো। তারপর, জোড়ায় বা দলে তোমার পাওয়া তথ্য শেয়ার করো।

তথ্য সংরক্ষণের জন্য নিচের সারণিটি ব্যবহার করতে পারো। প্রয়োজন অনুযায়ী সারি যুক্ত করে নাও।


6.3.2 Now, read the text and ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. Later, share your responses with the class.

এখন, text-টি পড়ো এবং দলে বা জোড়ায় নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো আলোচনা করো। পরে তোমার উত্তরগুলো শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো।


The demand for organic foods has increased in the last twenty years. The USA and many European markets have noted increased sales. The increase can be attributed to the views of many consumers that organic foods are safer, tastier, and healthier than non-organic foods. Besides that, organic foods pose less environmental pollution risk than nonorganic foods. Realising these reasons, the demand for organic foods is rising despite being more expensive.

Foods that are grown without any artificial chemical treatment or by other substances that have been modified genetically are referred to as organic foods. A food product that is free of any artificial additives such as preservatives, flavouring, sweeteners, and colourings is known as organic food. On the other hand, foods grown using chemicals are labelled as inorganic foods. Organic foods, according to many studies, have high quantities of antioxidants compared to nonorganic foods. Certain types of micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamin C are higher in organic foods than nonorganic foods. Organic foods with high antioxidants are helpful for the body due to their role in reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses. Nonorganic foods contain some toxic pesticides, such as cadmium which is absent in the case of organic foods. There also exist considerable differences between organic and non-organic foods in their appearance. Organic foods appear to be more natural than non-organic foods. Nonorganic foods, because of chemical usage, attain almost perfect shapes in contrast to organic food's imperfect and natural appearances.

Organic animal foods also have significant differences from their counterparts. Organic dairy products have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and organic meat has low levels of saturated fats. Organic animal foods with omega-3 fatty acids will have health benefits. On the contrary, nonorganic animal foods may increase health risks.

To sum it up, there are some similarities in the nutritional contents between organic and non-organic food substances. However, there are several considerable differences in the number of antioxidants, as well as other minerals present in organic and nonorganic foods. Generally speaking, organic foods are more helpful for preventing chronic illnesses since they contain higher quantities of antioxidants than non-organic foods. Additionally, organic foods have fewer nitrates and pesticide residues like cadmium that are dangerous to human health at high concentrations than non-organic foods, Organic foods, further, have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than non-organic foods, which has more positive effects on health.



a. In which structure is this essay written? Explain your response with examples. 

b. How many body paragraphs are there in the essay?

c. What are the points of comparison the writer has used in the essay? 

d. How many similarities and differences between organic and nonorganic foods are talked about in the essay? 

e. Do you think the writer has shared his opinion in the essay? If yes, explain your answer. 

f. Does the writer restate the thesis and points of comparison in the conclusion? If yes, describe your responses.

g. If you want to add a body paragraph, what will be your point/s of comparison? Read the essay again and identify the following characteristics of a compare and contrast essay in the text. Then, describe them with example sentence/s in the second column next to their names.


রচনাটি আবার পড়ো এবং text-এ দেওয়া compare and contrast রচনার বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলো চিহ্নিত করো। তারপর, ২য় কলামে প্রতিটি বৈশিষ্ট্যের পাশে বাক্যের উদাহরণ দিয়ে তাদেরকে বর্ণনা করো।

One is done for you.

Name of the part

Your description with example sentence/s

1. The compared subjects

The increase can be attributed to the views of many consumers that organic foods are safer, tastier, and healthier than inorganic foods.

From this sentence, we understand that the essay compares and contrasts organic foods and inorganic foods.

2. The thesis statement


3. Point of comparison-1


4. Point of comparison-2


5. The type of structure


6. The writer's opinion/ realization




6.4.1 Let's learn together!


চলো একসাথে শিখি!



The Padma Bridge, Our Pride!



Read the following text and check your understanding in groups.

Paragraph 1


The Padma Multipurpose Bridge is a matter of national pride for Bangladesh. It is across the Padma River. Inaugurated on 26 June 2022, it is a testament to our determination to achieve wonders.


Question: What will be your thesis statement for this text?

Your answer: _____________________________________________________


Paragraph 2

The bridge is considered a more challenging construction project compared to any others. Building a bridge over the Padma River is challenging compared to any other river considering its width and depth. It is the longest bridge in Bangladesh, with a length of 6.15 km. It overshadows any other bridge in length in Bangladesh. When compared to it, only Bangabandhu Bridge comes somewhat close to it, with a length of 4.98 km. Two other bridges can be compared to it lengthwise, namely Bangabandhu Railway Bridge (4.8 km) and Rupsha Rail Bridge (5.13 km). The Padma Bridge is a two- level road-rail bridge. The steel truss bridge carries a four-lane highway on the upper level and a single-track railway on the lower level. Contrarily, both the Bangabandhu Railway Bridge and Rupsha Rail Bridge only carry railway tracks.


Question: What are the points of comparison in this paragraph?

Your answer: _____________________________________________________

Paragraph 3


The Padma Bridge features the highest pile depth compared to any bridge in the world at 120 m (390 ft). It also is the deepest bridge in the world, with piles installed as deep as 127 meters. When discussing the practicality of the bridge, contrary to many misbeliefs, the bridge will boost the GDP of Bangladesh by as much as 1.23 percent. 13 districts with higher average poverty than the rest of the country are connected to the capital. 17 new economic zones are planned, which will result in prosperity as opposed to poverty in the southwestern region.

Question: What are the points of comparison in this paragraph?

Your answer: _____________________________________________________

Paragraph 4


Tourist spots of the Southwestern Bangladesh like Kuakata and Sundarbans, and major destinations like Barisal, Faridpur, Gopalganj, Patuakhali, and Khulna are now easily reachable from the capital city of Dhaka. On the other hand, the bridge will connect Dhaka with Kolkata in a faster way. It will take at least 2 hours less compared to what it used to take. The southern part of Bangladesh has been connected to Dhaka in a shorter time by road in contrast to hassles associated with travel by ferries.

Question: What are the points of comparison in this paragraph?

Your answer: _____________________________________________________


Paragraph 5


From the beginning, the Padma Multipurpose Bridge negotiation was hampered by controversy and conspiracy. Local and international conspirators conspired to hinder the completion of the bridge. A united national effort assured the completion of this mega project. To sum it up, the Padma Bridge has changed the lives of people for the better. We should now put our minds and efforts to harvest the opportunities it opened up. With a combined effort of all the people from different walks of life, a new era of development and prosperity will be assured if the Padma Bridge is utilised to its full potential.

Question: What will be your concluding paragraph for this essay?

Your answer: _____________________________________________________


Now follow the instructions and do the activity.



  • Make groups of 5 and count 1,2,3,4 and 5. Write down your number so that you will not forget your number.
  • Work on the paragraph distributed by the teacher. (Read the question after each paragraph and work on that)
  • Complete the work within the time allocated by your teacher.
  • After completing your work, form 5 new groups. All 1(the number you were given previously) will form Group 1. Likewise, all twos will be in group 2, all threes will be in group 3, all fours will be in group 4 and finally, all fives will be in group 5.
  • Now, the new group members will share their learnings with their new group members. First, the members whose number is I will share their learning first, then the twos, after the threes, later the fours and finally the fives.
  • All the new groups will discuss and work on the whole essay and rewrite the essay as a complete one. If you need, take the help of other groups and the teacher.
  • Later, do the necessary edits and make the final draft.
  • Finally, every group will present their essay in front of the class. After the presentation, request other groups to share their feedback.
  • Conclude your presentation with a note of thanks.


6.4.2 Let's discuss, think and solve our problems!


চলো আলোচনা করি, ভাবি এবং সমস্যার সমাধান করি।

Follow the instructions given below to do the activity.


  • In groups 5-6, discuss and identify 2-3 issues/problems related to your school/ locality that need opinions/decisions.
  • Later, find out the best two solutions to address the issues/problems. Then, write each of the issues/problems with the suggested two solutions individually on a piece of paper and drop them in the box.
  • Now, as a group representative, choose one issue/problem from the box.
  • It's time to discuss and write a compare and contrast essay on the issue/problem you have chosen. Mind that, your essay is to help take the best solution among the two. So in your essay, you have to compare and contrast both options in a way that the readers can make their choices easily. If you want, you may write your opinion. Most importantly, follow the structure of a compare and contrast essay
  • Later, check the spelling, sentences and transition words of your essay with other groups and the teacher if you need and make the final draft.
  • Later submit your final copy to your teacher.


(You/ the teacher may collect all the essays and make a spiral binding book and place it to the school administration to consider the students' choices or keep it in the school library for others to read)

Some example issues/problems to help find yours own:


  • Egg/banana or samucha/singara for school tiffin
  • Blue/white or brown/white (any colour you like) for school dress
  • Cell phone should be allowed or not in the school campus
  • Tiffin time should be increased or not
  • Two ways to make your school campus green
  • Public/private vehicles will be banned or not in front of the school gate etc.


New Words: replication, transmit, localize, attribute, preservative, antioxidant, chronic, contrarily, hassle, negotiation, genetic.

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