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Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. Only the corresponding numbers of the sentences need to be written:

(a) He thought him to be dead. 

(b) The bear smelt his ears, nose and face. 

(c) Suddenly they came across a bear. 

(d) Once upon a time two friends were passing through a forest. 

(e) Then the bear went away. 

(f) Finding no other way, the later one laid down on the ground and, feigned death. 

(g) The first friend climbed up a tree but the later could not climb. 

(h) They were talking about their love for each other.

Created: 4 months ago | Updated: 4 months ago


Once upon a time two friends were passing through a forest.

They were talking about their love for each other.

Suddenly they came across a bear.

The first friend climbed up a tree but the later could not climb.

Finding no other way, the later one laid down on the ground and, feigned death.

The bear smelt his ears, nose and face.

He thought him to be dead.

Then the bear went away.

4 months ago

English for Toady

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