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B ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2016

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ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর
প্রথম চৌধুরী
অলোকরঞ্জন দাস গুপ্ত
বলাইচাঁদ মুখোপাধ্যায়
উপমান কর্মধারয়
মধ্যপদলোপী কর্মধারয়
পরোপকার মানুষ্যত্বের পরিচায়ক
পরোপকারী মানুষত্বের
পরোপকার মনুষ্যত্বের পরিচায়ক
পরোপকারীতা মানুষ্যত্বের পরিচায়ক
পন্ডা+ ঈদ
পন্ডা+ ইত
সদ++ নার্গ
সৎ+ আনার্গ

l am in a tiny steel cage attached to a motor cycle, stuttering  & through traffic in Dhaka. In the last ten minutes we have  moved forward may be three feet, inch by inch. Up ahead, the traffic is jammed so close together that pedestrians are climbing over pickup trucks and through empty rickshaws  to cross the street. Two rows to my left is an ambulance, blue lights spinning uselessly. This is what the streets here  look like from seven O’clock in the morning until ten O'clock at night. If you are rich, you experience it from the back seat of a car. If you are poor, you are in a rickshaw,  breathing in the exhaust. I am sitting in the back of a CNG, a three wheeled motor cycle shaped like a slice of pie and covered with scrap metal. I am here working on a human .Tights project, but whenever I ask people in Dhaka what they think international organizations ‘should really be working on, they tell me about the traffic. Alleviating traffic Congestion is one of the major development challenges of ‘our time. Half the world’s population already lives in cities, and the United Nation estimates that the proportion will rise ‘to 70% by 2050. Dhaka, the world’s densest and fastest growing city, is a case study in how this problem got so bad and why it’s so difficult to solve.

l am in a tiny steel cage attached to a motor cycle, stuttering  & through traffic in Dhaka. In the last ten minutes we have  moved forward may be three feet, inch by inch. Up ahead, the traffic is jammed so close together that pedestrians are climbing over pickup trucks and through empty rickshaws  to cross the street. Two rows to my left is an ambulance, blue lights spinning uselessly. This is what the streets here  look like from seven O’clock in the morning until ten O'clock at night. If you are rich, you experience it from the back seat of a car. If you are poor, you are in a rickshaw,  breathing in the exhaust. I am sitting in the back of a CNG, a three wheeled motor cycle shaped like a slice of pie and covered with scrap metal. I am here working on a human .Tights project, but whenever I ask people in Dhaka what they think international organizations ‘should really be working on, they tell me about the traffic. Alleviating traffic Congestion is one of the major development challenges of ‘our time. Half the world’s population already lives in cities, and the United Nation estimates that the proportion will rise ‘to 70% by 2050. Dhaka, the world’s densest and fastest growing city, is a case study in how this problem got so bad and why it’s so difficult to solve.

l am in a tiny steel cage attached to a motor cycle, stuttering  & through traffic in Dhaka. In the last ten minutes we have  moved forward may be three feet, inch by inch. Up ahead, the traffic is jammed so close together that pedestrians are climbing over pickup trucks and through empty rickshaws  to cross the street. Two rows to my left is an ambulance, blue lights spinning uselessly. This is what the streets here  look like from seven O’clock in the morning until ten O'clock at night. If you are rich, you experience it from the back seat of a car. If you are poor, you are in a rickshaw,  breathing in the exhaust. I am sitting in the back of a CNG, a three wheeled motor cycle shaped like a slice of pie and covered with scrap metal. I am here working on a human .Tights project, but whenever I ask people in Dhaka what they think international organizations ‘should really be working on, they tell me about the traffic. Alleviating traffic Congestion is one of the major development challenges of ‘our time. Half the world’s population already lives in cities, and the United Nation estimates that the proportion will rise ‘to 70% by 2050. Dhaka, the world’s densest and fastest growing city, is a case study in how this problem got so bad and why it’s so difficult to solve.

Traffic police
Traffic Rules
Traffic Mangement
Traffic Congestion
rich man
poor man
human Rights Worker
Executive Director of an NGO
Beautification of Dhaka
Freeing the stress of Dhaka
Climate issues
Poverty allevation
I agree
I partially agree
This may be the case in future
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