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B ইউনিট || খুলনা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2010

সাধারণ জ্ঞান

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সাধারণ জ্ঞান

Milon is an outstandingly fast and accurate typist
The type of typing required for the new system is identical to what milon has been doing .
Milon's job profile is the best that the new employer is going to get
Fifteen years of practice ensures typing efficiency
There is no Argentine footballer who does not enjoy high salary
Only those who are good players , enjoy high salary
All who enjoy high salary are Argentine footballers
All strong players are Argentine footballers
Before 2008 , Economics was not a required course in that discipline at KU.
Every student who took Economics in that discipline graduated after 2008
No student who took Economics in that discipline graduated after 2008 .
All students graduating from that discipline after 2008 were required to take Economics
Labor costs in country Q are 10 percent below those in country Y .
Importing rice from country Q to country Y is less than 10 percent of the cost of manufacturing rice in country Q .
The fee for transporting rice from country Q to country Y is more than 10 percent of the cost of manufacturing rice in country Q .
It takes 10 percent less time to manufacture rice in country Q than it does in country Y.
If you do not have a Green Card, then you cannot stay in USA legally
If you could stay in USA legally, then you must have received a Green card
If you cannot stay in USA legally, then you do not have a Green card
III only
B is the tallest of all
C is the tallest of all
B and C are the tallest of all
D is the shortest of all
None of these
Ms. Y lives in Chittagong,
Ms Y does not celebrate Bangla New Year.
All of the tribal celebrate Bangla new Year
All of the above can be concluded
None of these
People will see only what they want to see.
There is no accounting for taste.
Beauty exists only in the eye of beholder
Rainbow is not a real thing
none of these
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