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C ইউনিট || কুমিল্লা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2008

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a fish which has been taken out of water
a fish in trouble
an uncomfortable situation for a person
a comfortable situation
What he says is true
Though he is poor, he is honest
I know the boy who stood first in the exam
He works hard so that the can succeed in life
Relative Pronoun
Direct object
Indirect object
in spit of improvements in modern surgery
unless it is emergency operation
because the do not believe surgeons
because they consider drugs to be dangerous
had less to learn about surgery
needed more knowledge
were more trusted by their patients
Could perform very operation know today
from prehistoric time
Since the invention of valves
Only in the last fifty years
since the nineteenth century
his luggs
part of the stomach
a major organ such as the stomach or one lung
his brain
removing the blood vessels
having a bypass surgery
getting rid of the blockage
replacing with new vessels
সিলেট অঞ্চলে
কুমিল্লা অঞ্চলে
খুলনা অঞ্চলে
রংপুর অঞ্চলে
জয়নুল আবেদীন
আবদুল্লাহ খালেদ
দেবদাস চক্রবর্তী
হামিদুর রহমান
কামরুল হাসান
জয়নুল আবেদীন
হাসেম খাঁন
নিতুন কন্ড
আবদুল লতিফ
আবদুল আহাদ
আলতাফ মাহমুদ
The History of My Life
Let us Have Faith
A Long Walke to Freedom
The Wings of Fire
বঙ্গবন্ধুর ভাষণ
মওলানা ভাষানীর ভাষণ
সোহরাওয়ার্দীর ভাষণ
শের-ই-বাংলার ভাষণ
ভাওয়াল বন
মধুপুর বন