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শিক্ষাবর্ষঃ ২০১৩-২০১৪ || খুলনা প্রকৌশল ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় (কুয়েট) || 2013

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You should keep word
Word is kept by you
Your word should be kept
word has to be kept by you
word must be kept by you
I helped the man who was with
I helped the man I had with
I helped the man I was with
I helped I was with the man
I helped the man I had been with
The doctor saw the pulse of the patient
The doctor examine the pulse of the patient
The doctor felt the pulse of the patient
The doctor observe the pulse of the patient
The doctor test the pulse of the patient
সে তাড়াতাড়ি ফিরিয়া আসিবে
সে জলদি ঘুরিয়া আসিবে
সে শীঘ্রই আরোগ্য লাভ করিবে
সে শীঘ্রই আসবে
সে শীঘ্রই ঘুরিয়া আসিবে
The lady guest ate caviare and coffee
Besides eating caviare, the lady guest drank coffee
The lady guest ate caviare as well as coffee
The lady guest is eating caviare also coffee
The lady guest ate caviare also drank coffee
He was poor but honest
Although he was poor, but he was honest
He was honest but poor
Though he was poor, but he honest
He was honest though he was poor
Only who are poor will be given the money
Only the poor the money will be given
Only those who are poor will be given the money
The money will be given to only those who are poor
Only who are poor the money will be given
He is better than I
He is better than me
He is better than I am
He is better than myself
He is better to me
Descriptive adjective
Distributive adjective
Demonstrative adjective
Possessive adjective
Numeral adjective
2.0M AgNO3 দ্রবণ টিনের পাত্র রাখা সম্ভব না।
2.0M AgNO3 দ্রবণ টিনের পাত্রে রাখা সম্ভব
বোরন আয়নীকরন বিভব বেরিলিয়ম অপেক্ষা কম।
ফ্লোরিন ইলেকট্রিন আসক্ত ক্লোরিন অপেক্ষা কম।
অক্সিজেন আয়নিকরন বিভব নাইট্রোজেন অপেক্ষা কম।
এর জলীয় দ্রবন আম্লীয়।
ইলেকট্রন আসক্তি একটি পর্যাবৃত্ত ধর্ম নয়।