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C ইউনিট || হাজী মোহাম্মদ দানেশ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2013

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A cow is have by me.
A cow is have been by me.
I had a cow.
A cow is had by me.
Let the sum be done.
The sum done by us.
The sum is done by me.
Done the sum
The jam is made from garden fresh Kule apples.
The jams are make from garden fresh Kule apples.
All the booking office are computerized.
All the booking offices is being computerized.
I was angry but I did not punish him.
Inspite of angry, I did not punish him.
As I was angry but I did not punish him.punishment.
I was angry and not to give him.
I should accept the job.
I would accept the job.
I will accept the job.
I must accept the job.
I would be grateful to you.
I should be grateful to you.
I'm a grateful to you.
I may be grateful to you.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Dogs that bark never bite.
These dog that bark seldom bite.
If the dog barks it never bite.
