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D ইউনিট-(সকাল)-২০২১-২০২২ || চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2021


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and so way my elder sister because she couldn't pass the exam either
whether I have passed the exam or not
why I was unhappy with this
nor did my mother upon hearing my story
pay....don't like
have paid.....like d
am paid ....am not like
am paying .... haven't like
has created....has been granted
had created...granted
created....was granted
will be creating....grant
to destroy something
to create something
using only what is necessary
called in questio
was called in question
was calling in question
was doubt in question
to the moonstruck
to be a romantic person
to learn for the beauty of the moon
to want something that is impossible to get
a scarcity of something
an abundance of something
death of a person