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The Victorian cult of death is quite unique in English history. Never before or since have the English been so obsessed with the rites and rituals of deaths. Funerals and mourning: whole language rites and rituals of deaths Funerals and mourning: a whole language of dress, objects, and social formalities grew up around it  Queen Victoria herself set an example of irreproachable widowhood for her subjects to follow. After Prince Albert's death in 1861, she remained in mourning for over ten years. To the end of her life, she preferred to wear black. Many people thought she  e=carried things too far; it was with great difficulty that she was persuaded to re-enter public in 1871,

The noun form of persuaded:

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago

Noun (বিশেষ্য)

যে word দ্বারা কোন কিছুর নাম প্রকাশ করা হয় তাকেই noun বলে । আম

যেমনঃ  Man, Girl, Kamal, Badal, Rahim, Riya,, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Kolkata, Delhi.


Jhon Seely তাঁর Oxford A-Z of Grammar & Punctuation বইতে লেখেন,

Nouns are words used to identify people, places, things, and ideas. 

Concrete Noun: যে Noun এর বাহ্যিক বা দৈহিক অবস্থিতি আছে এবং যাকে ইন্দ্রিয়ের দ্বারা উপলব্ধি করা যায় তাকে Concrete Noun বলে। যেমন: boy, book ইত্যাদি।

Noun কে প্রধানত পাঁচ ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়। যথা-

  1. Proper Noun
  2. Common Noun
  3. Collective Noun
  4. Material Noun
  5. Abstract Noun
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