Interview is the most widely used selection device. Interview is a relatively formal, in-depth conversation conducted for the purpose of assessing a candicate’s knowledge. skills and abilities, as well a  providing information to the candidate about the organization and potential job. Studies show that managers or entrepreneurs place more confidence in the selection interview than in any other selection method. A set of tips for successful interviewing are : Take preparation before the interview: Look for past achievements: Conduct interview in a private and relaxed environment. The furniture set-up should be informal, removing any barrier.seen the interviewer and the candiate; Give undivided attention  interviewer, 10 interruptions;Start with some brief weather ta!a then lead into the questioning & gently; Acknowledge the candidate’: answers briefly and simply, anod or smile in the right place :s usualiv enough: Use closed questions?which require only one word answer. Use silence creatively to encourage thinking time. further reflection and complete answers, Ask about problems and soiztions to them. not just past successes, Take brief notes oniy during interview.

Which of the following is not a guide for taking interview?

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago
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