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Read the following passage and give the answer to the question nos 99 to 100

The history of civilization shows how man always has to choose between making the right and wrong use of the discoveries of science. This has been truer than in our own age. In a brief period, amazing discoveries have made and applied to practical purposes. It would be ungrateful not to recognize how immense the boons are which science has given to mankind. It has brought within the reach of multitude benefits and advantages which only a short time ago was the privilege of the few. It has shown how malnutrition hunger and disease can be overcome. It has not only lengthened life but also deepened its quality. Fields of knowledge, experience, and recreation open in the past only to a few have been thrown open to millions. Through the work of science, the ordinary man today has been given the opportunity of a longer and fuller life than was ever possible to his grandparents. Most thankfully we must acknowledge all that science has done and is doing for the welfare of our race.

Choose the appropriate title of the passage from the followings:

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago

Sentence Correction

Sentence correction in English grammar refers to the process of identifying and rectifying errors or mistakes in sentences to ensure they are grammatically accurate, clear, and effectively convey the intended meaning. Sentence correction often involves fixing errors related to grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice, and sentence structure.

Here are some common types of errors in sentences and examples of sentence correction:

Grammar Errors:

  • Error: "He don't like ice cream."
  • Correction: "He doesn't like ice cream."

Subject-Verb Agreement Errors:

  • Error: "The book on the shelf are mine."
  • Correction: "The book on the shelf is mine."

Pronoun Agreement Errors:

  • Error: "Each of the students had their own project."
  • Correction: "Each of the students had his or her own project."

Tense Errors:

  • Error: "I will go to the store yesterday."
  • Correction: "I went to the store yesterday."

Word Choice Errors:

  • Error: "The dog barked loudly in the silent night."
  • Correction: "The dog barked loudly in the quiet night."

Punctuation Errors:

  • Error: "Let's eat, grandma."
  • Correction: "Let's eat grandma."

Run-On Sentences:

  • Error: "She went to the store she bought groceries she came home."
  • Correction: "She went to the store, bought groceries, and then came home."

Sentence Fragment Errors:

  • Error: "Because I was tired."
  • Correction: "I was tired because."

Sentence correction aims to enhance clarity, coherence, and readability. It involves attention to the nuances of grammar and usage to ensure that sentences convey the intended meaning effectively. It is a fundamental skill for writing and communication in English.

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