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All Question - (486)

close friends
immediate family
family and friends
The crime of denying one's own land
The crime of killing one's own father
the crime of loving one's own country too much
an insect killer
confused and ddisorganized
six o'clock to seven o' clock
a game played by six seven persons
early evening
honeyed words
abusive verse
modest reply
a belief in e=verything that is
a special kind of body movement
a belief that nothing movement
an ironical remark or comment
picaresque novel
non-fiction novel
epistolary novel
Pleasing somebody superficially
making fun of somebody for amusement
taking somebody's idea without acknowdgement
indulging in self-satisfaction

Ageing is a normal process of human development that takes place on several levels: biological, psychological and social although it is not certain what causes ageing, most gerontologists would agree that ageing is the result of a combination of both internal and external processes.  The  "wear-and-tear theory"   compares the human body to a machine that over time wears down from use. According to this theory,  bodily systems receive cumulative damage from both external forces, such as toxins, released as a result of metabolism. Cells become damaged and increasingly fail to reproduce or repair themselves.  They die off in larger numbers as we age. the  "combination theory" explains that influences such as stress and diet,  each person is born with a genetically predetermined life expectancy that cannot be exceeded  This interaction of external factors and internal programming  would account for individual variations in the life span. The mystery surrounding why we age is still a topic of numerous ongoing studies. Perhaps, one day we will truly  know why we age.

the process of ageing .
the extract of toxic elements form our body .
the intake of toxic elements through our body .
the chemical processes that occur within a living organism to maintain life .


The pioneers of science education imagined that its introduction into the curriculum would erase conventionality, artificiality, and prejudice. So, too in their time had the humanists thought that the study of the classics would banish pedantry and superstition. The chief claim for the use of science in the learning process is that it teaches young ones some truths about the universe that we are part of, acquaints them with the highlights of scientific discoveries, and rationally. To some extent, these goals have been reached only in the first of these aims. Young people who have been given this sort of science education will know the basics of physics and chemistry. However, they will know not much more than what they would have learned by picking up scientific hobbies or suing everyday scientific appliances.  

 Once a bird is brought to a rehabilitation center, basic procedures are followed. First, the bird is sedated, if necessary, and examined to detect broken bones, cuts or other injuries. Next, oil is flushed from its eyes and intestines. Heavily oiled birds are then wiped with adsorbent cloths to remove patches of oil. Stomach -coating medicines may be administered orally to prevent additional absorption of oil inside the bird's stomach. The bird is then warmed and placed in a quiet area. Finally, Curtains are often hung around the area to limit the bird's contact with people. 

soaking up liquid or other substance
turning of liquid into vapour
becoming weaker or worse
becoming larger or expanding

About fifty years ago, plant physiologists set out to grow roots, by themselves in solutions in laboratory flasks. The scientists found that the nutrition of isolated roots was quite simple. They required sugar and usual minerals and vitamins. However, they did not require organic nitrogen compounds. These roots got along fine on mineral inorganic nitrogen. Roots are capable of making their own proteins and other organic compounds. These activities by roots require the energy of course. The process of respiration uses sugar to make the high-energy compound ATP, which drives the biochemical reactions. Respiration also requires oxygen. Highly active roots require a good deal of oxygen. 

a delightful song
a ballad
nursery song
a melancholy

Probably no belief has been more tenaciously held among people of all times than the conviction that it is possible to judge an individual's mental characteristics by the way he is put together physically. Novelists describe the build, facial shape, coloring, and cloths of their characters in such a way as to accentuate the inner qualities which they assume are  'pooh-pooh' the idea of fortune -telling in general still feel that "there may be something in this palmistry or phrenology." Books explaining personality in terms of the glands obtain wide and enthusiastic acceptance. Employment interviewers develop their own systems of judging prospective employees by their appearance. Habits of thinking in such terms are ingrained in our language in such expressions as "high-brow," "long-headed," of "thin-skinned ."
the detailed study of the shape and size ofhte caranium as a supposed indication of character and mental abilities.
the art or practice of supposedly interpreting a person's character of predicting their future by examining the palm of their hand .
the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs.
the study of the shape and features of a person;s facial expression.

Cats are carnivorous mammals of the family Felidae. They cannot chew their food, and their teeth are adapted to stab, anchor, and cut flesh. All cats except the cheetah have strong, sharp retractile claws, They are not adapted for long chases but prowl their prey on padded feet and try to overwhelm it in short dash or pounce. Big cats roam over a large area, usually alone but sometimes in family groups, for example, a pride of lions can contain as many as 37 groups, for example, a pride of lions can contain as many as 37 individuals. Cats generally are nocturnal animals, the retina of their eyes made extra sensitive to light by a layer of guanine, which causes the eyes to shine in the dark. Tigers are the largest of the cats. They are identified by their characteristic striped coat. They inhabit forests and grasslands in Asia where the population has suffered from hunting, deforestation, and demand for tiger parts in traditional medicines.