Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0

Completing sentence

All Question - (771)

must have been
should have been
mustn't have been
couldn't have been
must be
may be
can't be
may have been
can't have been
couldn't have been
is as good or better than the new hospital
are as good or better than the new hospital
are as good as or better than the new hospital
are as good as or better than those of the new hospital
are as good as or the best of all hospitals
he was not interested in the money
he was hungry
he liked working
the farmer was well known as a mean man
the tramp had got nothing from the farmer
each of them had got something from the other
neither of them had got anything from the other
the farmer had got nothing from the tramp
only one of his meals at the right time of day
all his meals at the right time of day
all his meals at the wrong time of day
only one of his meals at the wrong time of day
Seldom we do
Seldom do we
Seldomly we do
Rarely we
Hardly we
be postponed
be canceling
more heat
it retains
than it retains more heat
the more heat it retains
he telephoned
did he telephone
has not telephoned