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খাদ্য অধিদপ্তর || উপ খাদ্য পরিদর্শক (19-11-2021) || 2021

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To read carefully
To read only sometimes
To read quickly to save time
To read carefully to find out ant hidden meaning
A prose of special nature
A poem of fourteen nines
A criticism of poet
A sad poem about nature
He enquired me why had iI had beatenj his dog
He demand me why had I beaten his dog
He demanded of me why I had beaten his dog/
He asked me why I have had beaten his dog
All the good qualities are embodied in my teache.
All the good fqualities are embodied by my teacher.
All the good qualities are embodied in my teacher
All the good qualities are embodied to my teacher
He resembles his father
Either you or I am wrong?
Two third of this milk is lost
I am usually feeling tired after lunch

Writing a good letter is difficult

The Writing of a good letter is difficult

Good letter wrting is difficult

It is very difficult to write a good letter

It is tree which is our best friend
Trees are our best friend
We considered trees one of our best friend
We considered trees are of our best friend