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খ ইউনিট (2007-2008) || 2007

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আজ তবে আসি স্যার!
তবে আজ আসি স্যার!
আজ আসি তবে স্যার!
তবে স্যার আজ আসি!
শিক্ষিত পুরুষ ও অশিক্ষিত নারী
শুক্লকেশ বুদ্ধিমানগণ ও তাদের অনুসারী
রাজারাজড়া ও ভদ্রমহিলা
ভিক্ষু ও ধনবান
প্রচুর মণি
জালের মতো ছড়িয়ে থাকা মণি
চাকচিক্যময় মণি
জ্বলন্ত মণি
একটি তুলসী গাছের কাহিনী
একুশের গল্প
নিঃশঙ্কচিত্তে চরে বেড়ানো হরিণশিশু
মলিন পল্লব
তরুতলে পতিত নীবার
তৈলাক্ত উপখণ্ড

Giving a presentation can be a worrying prospect, Nervous about the audience 's important, some speakers read from a prepared text. Such occasions are rarely a success. A reader finds it difficult to engage with an audience in the way that an unscripted speaker can. When you read, your eyes are much of the time, turned down towards your script and thus away from the audience. You do not make eye contact and cannot be properly aware of the way in which your listeners are responding to your words. 

to make contact with an audience
to invite an audience
to make an appoint with an audience
to encourage an audience
A speaker whose name is not in the script
An unlisted speaker
A speaker without a written test
A speaker with no trust in script
always a success
often a success
never a success
seldom a success
by, old
going, ancient
from, antique
passing, antique
popularly , as
popularly , by
popular , at
often , from
Has not to , has
does not have to , does
has got to , would not
does not require to , would
The problem is solved as per direction
The problem is finished properly
The problem has been solved in a befitting manner
The problem is solved in a proper way .
too, cannot , laughing too
too, had not, to laugh
very, could not , laughing
very, would not , to laugh
coming , working
going, shopping
sending, shopping
going, buy