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E ইউনিট : ২০১৬-২০১৭ || 2016

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awful —— healthy
amazing — dubious
unthinkable —— devoted
amicable — strange
emotional —— heavy
credence — irrefutable
disrepute — dubious
acceptance — convincing
momentum — systematic
currency — incunclusive
more —— less
fewer —— fewer de
a few — less
few —— less
cruel ——— entertain
harsh —— dishearten
pleasant — encourage
strange —— prevent
hard ——ridicule
awful —— healthy
amazing — dubious
unthinkable —— devoted
amicable — strange
emotional —— heavy
offensive — dangerous
amazing — crucial
horrible — irrelevant
wrong — necessary
terriable — unforgivable
more bad than
the most bad than
worse than
most worsethan
much more bad than
never depends upon others for getting his work done
is seldom trusted by others
always finds it difficult to keep his words
seldom trusts others as far as the work schedule is concerned
always insists on getting the work completed on time
will recover
will be recovered
is recovered
will have recovered
will be recovering
twice as many as
twice more than
twice as more as
twice as much
twice as much as .