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E ইউনিট : 2017-2018 || 2017

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নীল অববাহিকা
সিন্ধু অববাহিকা
নীল ও কঙ্গো অববাহিকা
টাইগ্রিস ও ইউফ্রেটিস অববাহিকা
হামিদুর রহমান
নিতুন কুম্ভ
মৃণাল হক
নভেরা আহমেদ
স্যাচুরেটেড ফ্যাট
আনস্যাচুরেটেড ফ্যাট
ভিটামিন ই
Urined Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations High Commission for Refugees
United Nations Human Commission for Refugees
United Nations High Commission for Rights

Taking benefits of globalization. capitalism seems to be on among nationality Be ionization more interdependence countries on, Saussure relied pull many developing international Markets as elope beechnut that Nantes vast. increases in as  logy that enabled developed and adv Pro activity. however, it benefited fact it tripe red , oping countries disproportionately. In fact,it  the huge differences in incomes and Standard of living that separated the rich countries of the world from the poor. Unlike these problems of globalization,global environmental problems have affected both  grouts of countries alike. Unless we lessen environmental damage and attempt to slow global warming, disaster lies ahead.

rise of capitalism
growing interactions among countries
access to world market
access to technology
poor people
developed countries
poor countries
bad condition

The Rohingya a Muslim ethnic minority group living for .. centuries in the Rakhine state of Myanmar is now under  attack by the military. Due to this attack more than 509,000 Rohingyas have fled to neighbor mg county. .. | Bangladesh,from their homeland. This has created a big challenge for Bangladesh to provide them with the basic ‘needs like food, shelter and healthcare services For. decades, Myanmar’s government has refused to recognize the Rohingya as a legitimate ethnic minority,denying them , citizenship and even the most basic nights as inhabitants. This escalating persecution is weakening Myanmar’s forgoing democratic transition and blemishing the reputation of the country’s defector leader, Sung San  To get and of this crisis, Myanmar should find a penning  peace process. International commodity should also |pressurize. Myanmar government to enact the recommendations of the kickoff Annam Commission and to i bring the migrated Rohingyas back from Bangladesh.

de jure
actual though not legally accepted
voting right
basichuman necessities
implementation of kofi Annan commission