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B ইউনিট || 2013

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will type
would type
would have typed
would typed
have attended
have attend
has attended
has attend
have played
was played
was playing
haven't you
weren't you?
hadn't you?
didn't you?
won't you?
will you?
would you?
can't you?
would you?
will you?
won't you?
wouldn't you?
isn't it?
is it?
isn't that?
is that?
It is easy to find faults with others.
It is easy to find out faults of others.
It is easy to find with others.
It is easy to find faults in others.
The more they want, the more they get.
It has been raining from Sunday.
They get so much as they want .
The more men get, the more they want.
It was raining from sunday.
It has been raining from sunday
It had been raining since sunday.
It rained since sunday.
Mankind are at stake a stake now
Mankind are at dangers now.
Man are at stake now
Mankind is at stake now.
As inflation is rising, the value of the Raka is decreasing.
As the value of Taka decreases, inflation rises.
As inflation keeps rising ,the Taka's value is losing.
While the value of Taka decreases, inflation rises.