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A ইউনিট || 2011

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অন্তকেন্দ্রগামী হইবে
ভরকেন্দ্রগামী হইবে
যে কোন একটি শীর্ষবিন্দুগামী হইবে
উপরের কোনটাই নয়
প্রান্তিক চিহ্ন
প্রক্রিয়াকরণ চিহ্ন
সিদ্ধান্ত চিহ্ন
সংযোগ চিহ্ন
He said that he gone to Khulna
He said that he was going to Khulna
He said that he has gone to Khulna
He said that he had gone to Khulna
His university is adjacent to his house
His university is adjacent fo his house
His university is adjacent from his house
His university is adjacent into his house
No seener do I reach home than I shall meet my mother.
No seener had I reached home than I shall meet my mother.
No seener do I reached home than I shall meet my mother.
No seener have I reached home than I shall meet my mother.
He wish that I might be happy
He wished that I may be happy
He wished that I might be happy
He wish that I may be happy
He ought to be helped by you
He ought to be had helped by you
He ought to be have been helped by you
He ought to be had been helped by you
The Sidr effected our country
The Sidr affect our country
The Sidr affected our country
The Sidr effect our country
I invested a thousand Taka in this business
I invested thousand Taka in this business
I invested a thousand Taka in this business
I invested a thousand Taka in this business
If I had seen him, I might told him the matter
If I had seen him, I might have told him the matter
If I had seen him, I could told him the matter
If I had seen him, I may have told him the matter