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C ইউনিট || 2015

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অপাদানে সপ্তমী
করণে সপ্তমী
সম্প্রদানে সপ্তমী
অধিকরণে সপ্তমী
I also took part in our freedom fighting
I also had a part of our freedom fighting
I also was a part of freedom fighting
I also had taken a part of our freedom fighting
Life is short art long
Daffodils are beautiful
The ravages of time
Nature never dies
William Shakespeare
William Wordsworth
O Henry
Edgar Alfan poe
He was old but young at heart
He is old but he is young at heart
He was old but he is young at heart
He was old but he had been young
First speech
Speech without preposition
Early speech
Final speech
Sakib can sing nicely
Sakib can sing well
Sakib can sing good
Sakib is good singer