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D ইউনিট || 2014

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no interest in teaching science
aided true learning
thwarted attempts to enliven education
supported the humanists
been a pioneer in both science and humanities
deliberately obscurantist
worse than that in the classics
grossly incompetent
a stimulus to critical thinking
severely limited in its benefits
Do students know more about the world about them?
Do students spend more time in laboratories?
Can students apply their knowledge logically?
Have textbooks improved?
Do they respect their teacher?
at writing time, not all children received a secondary education
the author finds chemical reactions interesting
science teaching has imparted some knowledge of facts to some children
the author believes that many teachers are authoritarian
it is relatively easy to learn scientific method
stimulating, interesting
worthwhile, valueless
esoteric, obscure
germane, relevant
abstruse, incomprehensible
might be ready for testing around the end of the next year
may be ready for testing about the end of next year
might be ready for testing toward next year’s end
may be ready for testing at the end of year ahead
will be ready for testing toward the end of next year
Tomato ketchup
Tomato katchap
Tomato katsup
Tomato ketshap
Tomato ketcchap
I remember I was taken to the museum
I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.
I remember myself being taken to the museum by my sister
I remember taken to the museum by my sister.
Date juice grows in Jessore.
Let date juice be grown in Jessore
Date juice is grown in Jessore.
Date juice in being grown in Jessore.
Logical conclusion
I am letting this machine cool.
Let it be done
Don’t let that bother you.
His mother let him go to cinema.
Larry is good hearted, he lets people take advantage.
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