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ইউনিট : D || 2015

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read the story of other nations
not react to other actions
have vital contacts with other nations
have a better understanding of other nations
international position
is more today than ever before
was always there
is no longer there
will always be there
none of them
international position
present character
The moon has hidden his face behind a cloud
Peace has his victories no less renowned than war.
Delayed justice is sort of his denial.
The ship lost all his boats in the storm.
The sun sheds his beams on rich and poor alike.
is appearing
will appear
The man seems worried.
A rolling stone gathers no miss.
A lost opportunity never returns.
The weather being fine, I went out.
Standing at the gate, a scorpion stung him.
Antidote of
Distrust to
Doubt to
Inference from
Experience with
Most respectfully
Very truly yours
Your faithfully
Sincerely yours
Your best regards
they have reached a decision
it has been reached a decision
its decision was reached at
it has reached a decision
it has formulated themselves some opinions
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