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D Unit 2018-19 || 2019

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We all were pleased with his behavior.
We all were pleased at his behavior.
We all were pleased by his behavior.
We all were pleased to his behavior.
One Should keep promises.
One Should keep one's promises.
Promise should keep.
None of them.
By whom you are wanted?
Who is wanted by you?
Whom is wanted by you?
You are wanted by whom?
Nazma said that she had to write a letter.
Nazma Said that she should write a letter.
Nazma said that she would write a letter.
Nazma told that she shall write a letter.
Mou told to me that I could not do that in that way then.
Mou told to me that I could not do it that in that way then.
Mou told to me that you could not do that so now.
Mou told to me that I could not do it thus then.
He said that the sun moves round the earth.
He said that the sun moved round the earth.
He said that the sun has moved round the earth.
He said that the sun moved round earth.
Would have got
Would go
will get
have got
in his job
that we short respect
that all respected him
that he is simple
what my name was?
what is your name?
what was your name?
what your name was?
see you soon
hear for you soon
hearing from you soon
give you gift
will be healthier
become healthier
should become healthy
would become healthy
having played
had played
is increased
will be increased
would be increase
will increase
when i walk
as i walk
when i walked
when i will walk
