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কলা ও মানববিদ্যা অনুষদ 'B'-ইউনিট(হালদা) ২০২০-২০২১ || 2020

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Read the following passage and choose the alternative (A,B,C or D) to answer the questions (1-7):

Culture is the cultivation of a plant or garden, not the eradication of its roots, it is an (L1) Understanding of the roots and seeds, their patient care and instructed nourishment, nor is it art, still less is the acquaintance with literature and art. By culture, (L3) one means first of all what the anthropologists mean, the way of life of a particular people (L4) living together in one place. That culture is made visible in their arts, in their social system, in (L5) their habits and customs, in their religion. It is and aggregate of customsinstitutions, manners, (L6) standards, testes, morals and beliefs. Now, these are transmitted rather by the family than by (L7) the school , hence when family life fails to play is  part, we must expect our culture to (L8) deteriorate (L9)  It is a delusion to think that the maladies of the modern world can be put right by a system of (L10) instruction. on the contrary, universal education, by lowering standards, morals and tastes to (L11) a common denominator and by sharpening the wits rather than disciplining character, tends to (L12) break down existing cheeks and balances. Education should be the drawing forth of potential (L13) values, it should not be the destruction of the safeguards that tradition place around young (L14) egos naturally inclined to wilful and precarious flights. (L15) 


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the miscreant should be punished
the miscreant be punished
the miscreant must punish
either come in time or be punished
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harping on .....lack of
harping at....lack of
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The most effective for stay safe from Covid-19 virus infection is wearing masks
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Wearing masks will be the most effective for staying save from Covid-19 virus.
were interest seeing
were interested seeing to
were interest seeing to
were interested in seeing
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to rise an eyebrow over my morning coffee
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