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Assit. Programmer | Sonali Bank, Rubali Bank, BD Krishi Bank - 16.11.2018 ||

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The left child is always lesser than its parent
The right child is always greater than its parent
The left and right sub-should also be binary search trees
Either the left of the right sub- tree should be be binary search tree but not both.
"return-type function name (argument type;)"
"return-type function -name (argument type){}"
"return -type (argument type ) function-name"
"return-type {} function -name"
When the list has only a few elements
When performing a single earch in an unordered list
Used all the time
When list has only a few elements and when performing a single search in an underdone ist
Brute Force technique"
Divide and Conquer"
Greedy algorithm"
Dynamic programming"