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Read the following passage and then choose the right options :

The real difficulty in feeling at home in the universe, is developing a sense of relationship to it and driving therefore convictions concerning what is in itself valuable and demanding beyond out immediate wants and wishes, is concepmal, the world of the modern physicist is conceptually utterly foreign to most of his contemporaries. Most of us. certainly, cannot conceive of a fourth dimension, or of particles with negative spin, and to all but a few the mathematical formulate of modern physics are as unintelligible as the markings on clay tables made thousands of ears ago by a people whose language has been utterly lost. So alien are these modern concepts that there are not even workable analogies to convey to us at least an inkling of what the universe is like and what it intends or at least where it is tending. We are benumbed by size and defeated by its complexity.

Suitable title for the pussage would be:

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