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Idioms & Phrases

All Question - (625)

to refer to
to take for granted
to raise objections
to be discussed
a day festivity
a relevant day
a day of brief
a rainy day
Cox’s Bazar is open. warm and
gives a welcome feeling to all
who have the
good fortune to visit there
" When" you come after class this afternoon.
we "discussed"
the" possibility of
" your" writing a research paper.
a strong point
a weak point
A serious idea
A permanent solution
To earn living experience
To equip your life wit ornament
To earn reputation
To earn livelihood
The bottom line
Red letter day
Long in the tooth
Feather in your cap
Drop the hammer
completely in attentive
very heavy
very tightly bound
totally dead
sleeping soundly

 In ragged half -torn shorts, the boy looked hardly eight. He must have been quite fair but layers of dirt and grime had turned his skin almost dark brown. ___ how many square meals a  day? None. A slice of bread bought with begged money, some leftover rice from hospital attendants, was all that he lived on. The well of human kindness in Zayed swelled up. What a pity! A little boy unloved, underfed, left on the streets to fend for himself. 
A full meal
Half meal
Heavy meal
A large and satisfying meal
A meal with vegetables and meats .