Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0


All Question - (705)

I will get him buy the book
I will get him to buy the book
I will make him buy the book
I will have him bought the book
I was sleeping when he studied.
I was sleeping when he was studying.
I had been sleeping when he studied.
He had been studying when I slept.
We should admit our faults right.
It is right to admit our faults.
It is but right to our faults.
Admitting our faults is right.
The rain came down in torrents
The rain comes down in torrents
The rains came down in torrents
The rain come down in torrents
The cup is hot as fire
The cup is hot like fire
The car is as hot as fire
The car is so hot as fire
The doctor saw the pulse of the patient
The doctor examine the pulse of the patient
The doctor felt the pulse of the patient
The doctor observe the pulse of the patient
The doctor test the pulse of the patient
Where did man come from and where will he go?
Where is man's post, where is his future?
Were is man coming from and where is he going?
Where was man found, where will he enter?
Where had man come from and where will he be going?
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Absence of heart occurs while remains at far.
The heart burns while remain in absence.
Absence made the heart to burn while stay far
Heart being burned while stay far but neglected while in close.
পাঁচটি ব্লক যাবার পরই বাম দিকে যেতে হবে, তারপর ডানে।
ডান দিকে মােড় নেওয়ার পর আর পাঁচটা ব্লক যাবে এবং তারপর বাম দিকে মােড় নিবেন।
বাম দিকে যাবার পর, ডান দিকে মােড় নেওয়ার পরই পাচটি ব্লক যাবেন।
পাঁচটি ব্লক যাবার পরই ডান দিকে যেতে হবে, তারপর বামে।
ডান দিকে যাবার পর আর পাঁচটি ব্লক যাবেন, তারপর বাম দিকে।
তুমি আজ নাইবা গেলে
তোমার আজ না গেলেও চলত
তোমার আজ না যাওয়া ঠিক
তুমি আজ না গেলেও্ পারতে
তুমি আজ না গেলে পারতে
He has perhaps resigned the post
It seems he has left the post
It feels he left the post
It presumes he resigned the post
It presumes he resigned from the job
A man was run over by a train
A man was cut down by a train
The train cut downa man
A man was smashed by a train
A man was cut by a train
আমিই কাজটি করেছি
আমিই কাজটি করেছিলাম
আমি কাজটি অবশ্যই করিয়ে নিব
কাজটি করবই
আমি নিশ্চয়ই কাজটি করেছি

Will you come today night

Will you come tonight

Will you come this night

Will you come present night

Thinking, If i could be a king!
I wish I was a king!
I wish I were a king!
I wished I were a king!

I desire I could go to Canada.
If I had gone to Chanada!
Would that I could go to Canada!
I wish I have gone to Canada.
If I would go to Canada.