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Analytical Question

All Question - (239)

There is a person in the party who acquainted with all the twenty-six others.
Each person in the party who has a different number of acquaintances.
There is a person in the party who has an odd number of acquaintances.
In the party, there is on set of three mutual acquaintances.
B-Home, F-Power,E-Defence,C-Telecom ,A-Finance
A-Home, B-Power,E-Defence,D-Telecom ,F-Finance
C-Home, D-Power,A-Defence,B-Telecom ,E-Finance
A-Home, B-Power,C-Defence,D-Telecom ,E-Finance
The pool is cleaned on Wednesday .
Male members can use the facility on Friday
The equipments maintenance is done on Tuesday .
Female members can use the facility on Thursday .
The pool is cleaned on Monday .