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Sentences & Transformations

All Question - (1504)

The reason want to do that will be explained by us.
All the reasons we explain be explained by us.
Why we want to be do would be explained by us.
Why we want to do it will be explained by us.
We work hard to earn a lot of money.
We work hard so that we earn money.
We work hard so that we can earn money.
We work hard and we want to earn money.
Women are playing important role in all spheres of life.
Nowadays women are playing important role everywhere.
Women are playing most important roles in all sphere of life.
Nowadays women are playing important role in all spheres of life.
Salam is not stronger than Kalam.
Salam is stronger than Kalam.
Kalam is not stronger than Salam.
Kalam is stronger than Salam.
Work hard and you can not succeed.
Work hard or you can not succeed.
Work hard and you can succeed.
You work hard and you can succeed.
Over-flooding is worse than any other problem.
No other problem in our country is as bad as over-flooding.
Very few problems in our country are as bad as over-flooding.
Over-flooding is a very problem in our country.
Must be endure we cure.
We cannot cure what we must endure.
We must endure what we cannot cure.
We must be endured what we cannot cure.
We should not hate our country.
We should love our country.
We may not hate our country.
Should love our country.
He was truthful, was he?
He was an honest man, did not he?
He was really an honest man?
He was an honest man, wasn't he?
I know where they reside.
I know where did they reside.
I know where are they residing.
I know where are they residing.
I know what you are.
I know who you are.
I know what are you.
I know who are you.
All of us likes a rose.
Nobody likes a rose.
Everyone dislikes a rose.
Everyone likes a rose.

The tree can not bear fruit.

The tree has not given fruit yet.

The tree has not caught any fruit.

The tree has not yet borne fruit.

Did he come home yesterday?
Did he not came home yesterday?
When did he come home?
When does he come home?
All that glitters is not gold.
As you sow, so you reap.
A stitch in time, saves nine.
The more you work, the more you get.
Inspite of poor, he is honest.
Despite he is poor, he is honest.
Inspite of having poor, he is honest.
Inspite of his poverty, he is honest.
Has been football played by you?
Has football played by you?
Has football been played by you?
Is football played by you?
He told her that what it was a cold day.
He exclaims that it was a cold day.
He exclaims sorrowfully that if was a cold day.
He exclaimed that it was a very cold day.