
All Written Question - (11099)

Smart Bangladesh


Smart Bangladesh is a vision that aims to build an inclusive and digitalized country for the citizens of Bangladesh. It is founded on the 4 pillars of- smart citizens, smart government, smart economy and smart society. This vision is about bridging the digital divide by creating sustainable and innovative digital solutions that can benefit all citizens, regardless to their socioeconomic background and business of all sizes. The first pillar of smart citizens is about empowering individuals with digital literacy skills and access to digital services, enabling them to participate fully in the digital transformation of the country. Smart government, the second pillar uses technology to provide efficient and transparent public services, while ensuring citizens' data privacy. Smart economy, the third pillar, creates a thriving economy powered by digital technology, where businesses of all sizes can participate and complete on a level playing field. Everyone is understanding the concept of Smart Bangladesh is important for the future of the country. It is not just about technology, but about creating a society that is inclusive, innovating and sustainable by embracing the four pillars of smart citizens, smart government, smart economy and smart society, the new generations can contribute to building a better and brighter future for Bangladesh.

2 weeks ago