Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow: 

A Chinese emperor was once informed that people in one of the provinces of the empire had revolted against him. He thereupon said to his generals, 'Come, follow me and we will quickly destroy them'. When he reached the province, the rebels surrendered to him and begged for pardon. The generals now thought that he would order massacre of the captives, but they were surprised to find that the emperor began to treat them with great kindness. "How'? cried the Commander-in- chief. 'Is this the way your Majesty fulfils the promise? Your royal word was to destroy the foes, but, now you have pardoned them'. 'It is true'; said the emperor, 'I promised to destroy my enemies, and have I not fulfilled my promise? For you see, these rebels are no longer my enemies. I have made friends of them'.

What did the generals expect the emperor to do? (Answer to the following Question)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago


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