
Describe the working principle with mechanism of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle with a flow diagram. It is wished to freeze 15 tonnes of fish per day from an initial temperature of 10°C using a stream of cold air. Estimate the maximum capacity of the refrigeration plant required, if it is assumed that the maximum rate of heat extraction from the product is twice of the average rate. If the heat transfer co-efficient from the air to the evaporator coils is 22 Jms°C, calculate the surface area of the evaporator coil required if the LMTD drop across the coil is 12°C and specific heats of fish are 3-18 and 1-67 KJkg¹°C above and below freezing, respectively.

Created: 7 months ago | Updated: 7 months ago
Updated: 7 months ago

ফুড ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং

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